CLinq classes

CLinq core classes

CQuery is a class that represents data query. This class contain several methods for constructing queries, like Where, Select, Average and other (these methods are called query operators in LINQ terminology).

Class nameDescription
ClassCQuery<T>This class represents data query. It contain several methods for constructing queries, like Where, Select, Average and other.
ClassTuple<T0, T1>This class represents a pair of values.

Wrapper classes

Wrapper classes are type-safe wrappers for all standard C++/CLI types. You can use wrapper classes in your code when writing expressions instead of Expression<T> to make the code more readable. Wrapper classes also override standard operators that are available for every type and can contain methods (for example EString::Substring etc.). The following wrapper classes are included in CLinq:

Wrapper classDescription
ClassExpr<bool> Template specialization for the 'bool' expresion. Implements operators !=, == and logical operators (&amp;&amp;, ||) and unary !.
ClassExpr<Nullable<double>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<double>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
ClassExpr<Nullable<float>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<float>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
ClassExpr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<System::Decimal>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
ClassExpr<Nullable<long long int>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<Nullable<int>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts).
ClassExpr<Nullable<unsigned int>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<Nullable<short>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<Nullable<unsigned short>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<Nullable<unsigned char>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<Nullable<signed char>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<signed char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<double> Template specialization for the 'double' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
ClassExpr<float> Template specialization for the 'float' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
ClassExpr<System::Decimal> Template specialization for the 'System::Decimal' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
ClassExpr<long long int> Template specialization for the 'long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<unsigned long long int> Template specialization for the 'unsigned long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<int> Template specialization for the 'int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts).
ClassExpr<unsigned int> Template specialization for the 'unsigned int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<short> Template specialization for the 'short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<unsigned short> Template specialization for the 'unsigned short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<unsigned char> Template specialization for the 'unsigned char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<signed char> Template specialization for the 'signed char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
ClassExpr<wchar_t> Template specialization for the 'wchar_t' expresion. Supports comparison operators.
ClassExpr<String^> Template specialization for the 'String^' expresion. Support standard string operators and methods.
ClassExpr<DateTime> Template specialization for the 'DateTime' expresion.
ClassExpr<Nullable<DateTime>> Template specialization for the 'Nullable<DateTime>' expresion.
ClassExpr<IEnumerable<T>> Template specialization for working with collections. Contains methods for querying data (called operators in LINQ terminology).
ClassExpr<IGrouping<K, T>> Template specialization for results of GroupBy operator. Contains expressions that represent Key and values.
ClassExpr<Tuple<T0, T1>> This class represents a pair of values.

Variable classes

Variable classes represent typed variable of specific type and are declared for all standard C++/CLI types. You can use variable classes instead of Variable<T> if you want to make code more readable. Please note that variable classes can be converted to wrapper classes using assignment. The following variable classes are included in CLinq:

Variable classDescription
ClassVar<unsigned char> Class that represents variable of type unsigned char.
ClassVar<signed char> Class that represents variable of type signed char.
ClassVar<float> Class that represents variable of type float.
ClassVar<double> Class that represents variable of type double.
ClassVar<System::Decimal> Class that represents variable of type System::Decimal.
ClassVar<long long int> Class that represents variable of type long long int (Int64).
ClassVar<short> Class that represents variable of type short (Int16).
ClassVar<int> Class that represents variable of type int (Int32).
ClassVar<unsigned long long int> Class that represents variable of type unsigned long long int (UInt64).
ClassVar<unsigned short> Class that represents variable of type unsigned short (UInt16).
ClassVar<unsigned int> Class that represents variable of type unsigned int (UInt32).
ClassVar<bool> Class that represents variable of type bool.
ClassVar<wchar_t> Class that represents variable of type unicode wchar_t (Char).
ClassVar<String^> Class that represents variable of type System::String.

Static classes

Static classes contains methods that can be used in CLinq expression and accept wrapper classes as a parameters. The following static classes are included in CLinq (click on the class to see list of its methods):

Static classDescription
ClassExpr<System::Convert> Converts a base data type to another base data type.
ClassExpr<System::Math> Provides constants and static methods for trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions.

Detailed information

CLinq core classes


This class represents data query. It contain several methods for constructing queries, like Where, Select, Average and other.


propertyIQueryable<T> QueryReturns the underlying LINQ query representation.


Static memberMethodExpr<int> Count () Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Count (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence for which the filter returns true with a return type of int.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<R>^> Select (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, R>^>^ selector) The Select operator performs a projection over a sequence
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Where (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Where operator filters a sequence based on a predicate
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<S>^> SelectMany (Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<S>^>^>^ selector) The SelectMany operator performs a one to many element projection over a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<V>^> Join (Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, U, V>^>^ resultSelector) The Join operator performs an inner join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<V>^> GroupJoin (Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<U>^, V>^>^ resultSelector) The GroupJoin operator performs a grouped join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderBy (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector) The OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in ascending order.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderByDescending (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector) he OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in descending order.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> First () The First operator returns the first element of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> FirstOrDefault () The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> Last () The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> LastOrDefault () The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> Single () The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> SingleOrDefault () The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> Any () The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> Min () The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> Max () The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> LongCount () The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Count () The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Count (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, T>^>^> GroupBy (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector) The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, E>^>^> GroupBy (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector, Lambda<Func<T, E>^>^ elementSelector) The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<V> Min (Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector) The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<V> Max (Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector) The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Take (Expr<int> count) The Take operator yields a given number of elements from a sequence and then skips the remainder of the sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Skip (Expr<int> count) The Skip operator skips a given number of elements from a sequence and then yields the remainder of the sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Distinct () The Distinct operator eliminates duplicate elements from a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Concat (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Concat operator concatenates two sequences.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Union (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Union operator produces the set union of two sequences.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Intersect (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Intersect operator produces the set intersection of two sequences.
Static memberMethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Except (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Except operator produces the set difference between two sequences.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> First (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The First operator returns the first element of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> FirstOrDefault (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> Last (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> LastOrDefault (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> Single (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence.
Static memberMethodExpr<T> SingleOrDefault (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> Any (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> All (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The All operator checks whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> LongCount (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<int>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<long long int>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<Decimal>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
Static memberMethodExpr<Nullable<Decimal>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
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Tuple<T0, T1>

This class represents a pair of values.


propertyT0 FirstReturns the first value stored in tuple.
propertyT0 FirstReturns the second value stored in tuple.
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Wrapper classes


Template specialization for the 'bool' expresion. Implements operators !=, == and logical operators (&amp;&amp;, ||) and unary !.


Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator ! (Expr<bool> value) Returns negation of the logical value.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right) Test values for equality.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right) Test values for inequality.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator && (Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right) Performs logical 'and' operation.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator || (Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right) Performs logical 'or' operation.
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Template specialization for the 'Nullable<double>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<double>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<double>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<double>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<double>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types.
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Template specialization for the 'Nullable<float>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<float>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<float>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<float>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<float>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types.
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Template specialization for the 'Nullable<System::Decimal>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types.
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Expr<Nullable<long long int>>

Template specialization for the 'Nullable<long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<long long int>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<long long int>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<long long int>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<long long int>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types.
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Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>>

Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types.
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Template specialization for the 'Nullable<int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<int>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<int>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<int>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<int>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<int>> operator << (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Shift left operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<int>> operator >> (Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right) Shift right operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types.
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Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>>

Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types.
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Template specialization for the 'Nullable<short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<short>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<short>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<short>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<short>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types.
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Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>>

Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types.
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Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>>

Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types.
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Expr<Nullable<signed char>>

Template specialization for the 'Nullable<signed char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<signed char>> operator + (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<signed char>> operator * (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<signed char>> operator / (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<Nullable<signed char>> operator - (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types.
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Template specialization for the 'double' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.


Static memberOperatorExpr<double> operator + (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<double> operator * (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<double> operator / (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<double> operator - (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<double> types.
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Template specialization for the 'float' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.


Static memberOperatorExpr<float> operator + (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<float> operator * (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<float> operator / (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<float> operator - (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<float> types.
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Template specialization for the 'System::Decimal' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.


Static memberOperatorExpr<System::Decimal> operator + (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<System::Decimal> operator * (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<System::Decimal> operator / (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<System::Decimal> operator - (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types.
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Expr<long long int>

Template specialization for the 'long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<long long int> operator + (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<long long int> operator * (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<long long int> operator / (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<long long int> operator - (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types.
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Expr<unsigned long long int>

Template specialization for the 'unsigned long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned long long int> operator + (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned long long int> operator * (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned long long int> operator / (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned long long int> operator - (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types.
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Template specialization for the 'int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts).


Static memberOperatorExpr<int> operator + (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<int> operator * (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<int> operator / (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<int> operator - (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<int> operator << (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Shift left operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<int> operator >> (Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right) Shift right operator for tuple of Expr<int> types.
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Expr<unsigned int>

Template specialization for the 'unsigned int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned int> operator + (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned int> operator * (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned int> operator / (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned int> operator - (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types.
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Template specialization for the 'short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<short> operator + (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<short> operator * (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<short> operator / (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<short> operator - (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<short> types.
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Expr<unsigned short>

Template specialization for the 'unsigned short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned short> operator + (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned short> operator * (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned short> operator / (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned short> operator - (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types.
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Expr<unsigned char>

Template specialization for the 'unsigned char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned char> operator + (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned char> operator * (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned char> operator / (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<unsigned char> operator - (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types.
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Expr<signed char>

Template specialization for the 'signed char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).


Static memberOperatorExpr<signed char> operator + (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Addition operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<signed char> operator * (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<signed char> operator / (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Division operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<signed char> operator - (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator < (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Less than operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator > (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator <= (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator >= (Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right) Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types.
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Template specialization for the 'wchar_t' expresion. Supports comparison operators.


Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<wchar_t> left, Expr<wchar_t> right) Test values for equality.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<wchar_t> left, Expr<wchar_t> right) Test values for inequality.
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Template specialization for the 'String^' expresion. Support standard string operators and methods.


Static memberOperatorExpr<String^> operator + (Expr<String^> left, Expr<String^> right) Operator for string concatenation.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator == (Expr<String^> left, Expr<String^> right) comparison operator for tuple of Expr<String^> types.
Static memberOperatorExpr<bool> operator != (Expr<String^> left, Expr<String^> right) Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<String^> types.


MethodExpr<String^> Substring (Expr<int> startIndex) Retrieves a substring from this instance.
MethodExpr<String^> Substring (Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> length) Retrieves a substring from this instance.
MethodExpr<bool> Contains (Expr<String^> value) Returns a value indicating whether the specified String object occurs within this string.
MethodExpr<bool> StartsWith (Expr<String^> value) Determines whether the beginning of an instance of String matches a specified string.
MethodExpr<bool> EndsWith (Expr<String^> value) Determines whether the end of an instance of String matches a specified string.
MethodExpr<int> IndexOf (Expr<wchar_t> value) Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string.
MethodExpr<int> IndexOf (Expr<String^> value) Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string.
MethodExpr<int> IndexOf (Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex) Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string.
MethodExpr<int> IndexOf (Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex) Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string.
MethodExpr<int> IndexOf (Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count) Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string.
MethodExpr<int> IndexOf (Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count) Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string.
MethodExpr<int> LastIndexOf (Expr<wchar_t> value) Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance.
MethodExpr<int> LastIndexOf (Expr<String^> value) Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance.
MethodExpr<int> LastIndexOf (Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex) Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance.
MethodExpr<int> LastIndexOf (Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex) Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance.
MethodExpr<int> LastIndexOf (Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count) Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance.
MethodExpr<int> LastIndexOf (Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count) Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance.
MethodExpr<String^> Insert (Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<String^> value) Inserts a specified instance of String at a specified index position in this instance.
MethodExpr<String^> Remove (Expr<int> startIndex) Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance.
MethodExpr<String^> Remove (Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count) Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance.
MethodExpr<String^> Replace (Expr<wchar_t> oldChar, Expr<wchar_t> newChar) Replaces all occurrences of a specified Unicode character or String in this instance, with another specified Unicode character or String.
MethodExpr<String^> Replace (Expr<String^> oldValue, Expr<String^> newValue) Replaces all occurrences of a specified Unicode character or String in this instance, with another specified Unicode character or String.
MethodExpr<String^> Trim () Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of specified characters from the current String object.
MethodExpr<String^> ToLower () Returns a copy of this String converted to lowercase.
MethodExpr<String^> ToUpper () Returns a copy of this String converted to uppercase.
MethodExpr<String^> PadRight (Expr<int> totalWidth) Left-aligns the characters in this string, padding on the right with spaces or a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
MethodExpr<String^> PadRight (Expr<int> totalWidth, Expr<wchar_t> paddingChar) Left-aligns the characters in this string, padding on the right with spaces or a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
MethodExpr<String^> PadLeft (Expr<int> totalWidth) Right-aligns the characters in this instance, padding on the left with spaces or a specified Unicode character for a specified total length.
MethodExpr<String^> PadLeft (Expr<int> totalWidth, Expr<wchar_t> paddingChar) Right-aligns the characters in this instance, padding on the left with spaces or a specified Unicode character for a specified total length.
MethodExpr<bool> Equals (Expr<String^> str) Determines whether two String objects have the same value.
MethodExpr<int> CompareTo (Expr<String^> str) Compares this instance with a specified object or String and returns an indication of their relative values.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Compare (Expr<String^> strA, Expr<String^> strB) Compares two specified String objects.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> Concat (... cli::array<Expression<String^>^>^ strs) Concatenates one or more instances of String.
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Template specialization for the 'DateTime' expresion.


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Template specialization for the 'Nullable<DateTime>' expresion.


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Template specialization for working with collections. Contains methods for querying data (called operators in LINQ terminology).


MethodExpr<int> Count () Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int.
MethodExpr<int> Count (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence for which the filter returns true with a return type of int.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<R>^> Select (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, R>^>^ selector) The Select operator performs a projection over a sequence
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Where (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Where operator filters a sequence based on a predicate
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<S>^> SelectMany (Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<S>^>^>^ selector) The SelectMany operator performs a one to many element projection over a sequence.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<V>^> Join (Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, U, V>^>^ resultSelector) The Join operator performs an inner join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<V>^> GroupJoin (Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<U>^, V>^>^ resultSelector) The GroupJoin operator performs a grouped join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderBy (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector) The OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in ascending order.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderByDescending (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector) he OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in descending order.
MethodExpr<T> First () The First operator returns the first element of a sequence.
MethodExpr<T> FirstOrDefault () The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
MethodExpr<T> Last () The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence.
MethodExpr<T> LastOrDefault () The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
MethodExpr<T> Single () The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence.
MethodExpr<T> SingleOrDefault () The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
MethodExpr<bool> Any () The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition.
MethodExpr<T> Min () The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<T> Max () The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<long long int> LongCount () The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long.
MethodExpr<int> Count () The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int.
MethodExpr<int> Count (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, T>^>^> GroupBy (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector) The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, E>^>^> GroupBy (Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector, Lambda<Func<T, E>^>^ elementSelector) The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence.
MethodExpr<V> Min (Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector) The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<V> Max (Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector) The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Take (Expr<int> count) The Take operator yields a given number of elements from a sequence and then skips the remainder of the sequence.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Skip (Expr<int> count) The Skip operator skips a given number of elements from a sequence and then yields the remainder of the sequence.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Distinct () The Distinct operator eliminates duplicate elements from a sequence.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Concat (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Concat operator concatenates two sequences.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Union (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Union operator produces the set union of two sequences.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Intersect (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Intersect operator produces the set intersection of two sequences.
MethodExpr<IEnumerable<T>^> Except (Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source) The Except operator produces the set difference between two sequences.
MethodExpr<T> First (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The First operator returns the first element of a sequence.
MethodExpr<T> FirstOrDefault (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
MethodExpr<T> Last (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence.
MethodExpr<T> LastOrDefault (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
MethodExpr<T> Single (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence.
MethodExpr<T> SingleOrDefault (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found.
MethodExpr<bool> Any (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition.
MethodExpr<bool> All (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The All operator checks whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition.
MethodExpr<long long int> LongCount (Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter) The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long.
MethodExpr<int> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<double> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<long long int> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<double> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<double> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<double> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Decimal> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Decimal> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<int>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<long long int>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<double>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<Decimal>> Sum (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector) The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values.
MethodExpr<Nullable<Decimal>> Average (Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector) The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values.
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Expr<IGrouping<K, T>>

Template specialization for results of GroupBy operator. Contains expressions that represent Key and values.


propertyExpr<K> KeyReturns expression that represents the key returned from GroupBy.
propertyIEnumerable<T> ValuesReturns expression that represents collection of values returned from GroupBy.
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Expr<Tuple<T0, T1>>

This class represents a pair of values.


propertyExpr<T0> FirstReturns the expression repressenting first value stored in tuple.
propertyExpr<T0> FirstReturns the expression repressenting second value stored in tuple.
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Variable classes

Var<unsigned char>

Class that represents variable of type unsigned char.


// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned char'
Expr<unsigned char> var = Var<unsigned char>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned char> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Var<signed char>

Class that represents variable of type signed char.


// Create CLinq variable of type 'signed char'
Expr<signed char> var = Var<signed char>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<signed char> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type float.


// Create CLinq variable of type 'float'
Expr<float> var = Var<float>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<float> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type double.


// Create CLinq variable of type 'double'
Expr<double> var = Var<double>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<double> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type System::Decimal.


// Create CLinq variable of type 'System::Decimal'
Expr<System::Decimal> var = Var<System::Decimal>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<System::Decimal> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Var<long long int>

Class that represents variable of type long long int (Int64).


// Create CLinq variable of type 'long long int'
Expr<long long int> var = Var<long long int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<long long int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type short (Int16).


// Create CLinq variable of type 'short'
Expr<short> var = Var<short>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<short> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type int (Int32).


// Create CLinq variable of type 'int'
Expr<int> var = Var<int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Var<unsigned long long int>

Class that represents variable of type unsigned long long int (UInt64).


// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned long long int'
Expr<unsigned long long int> var = Var<unsigned long long int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned long long int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Var<unsigned short>

Class that represents variable of type unsigned short (UInt16).


// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned short'
Expr<unsigned short> var = Var<unsigned short>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned short> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Var<unsigned int>

Class that represents variable of type unsigned int (UInt32).


// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned int'
Expr<unsigned int> var = Var<unsigned int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type bool.


// Create CLinq variable of type 'bool'
Expr<bool> var = Var<bool>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<bool> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type unicode wchar_t (Char).


// Create CLinq variable of type 'wchar_t'
Expr<wchar_t> var = Var<wchar_t>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<wchar_t> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Class that represents variable of type System::String.


// Create CLinq variable of type 'String^'
Expr<String^> var = Var<String^>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<String^> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
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Static classes


Converts a base data type to another base data type.


Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<bool> ToBool (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> ToByte (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<wchar_t> ToChar (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<DateTime> ToDateTime (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<Decimal> ToDecimal (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> ToDouble (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> ToSingle (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> ToInt16 (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> ToInt32 (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> ToInt64 (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<bool> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<unsigned char> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<wchar_t> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<DateTime> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<Decimal> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<Double> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<float> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<short> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<long long int> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
Static memberMethodExpr<String^> ToString (Expr<String^> value) Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'.
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Provides constants and static methods for trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions.


Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Abs (Expr<System::Decimal> value) Returns the absolute value of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Abs (Expr<double> value) Returns the absolute value of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> Abs (Expr<float> value) Returns the absolute value of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Abs (Expr<int> value) Returns the absolute value of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> Abs (Expr<long long int> value) Returns the absolute value of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<signed char> Abs (Expr<signed char> value) Returns the absolute value of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> Abs (Expr<short> value) Returns the absolute value of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Acos (Expr<double> d) Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Asin (Expr<double> d) Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Atan (Expr<double> d) Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Atan2 (Expr<double> y, Expr<double> x) Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> BigMul (Expr<int> a, Expr<int> b) Produces the full product of two 32-bit numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Ceiling (Expr<System::Decimal> d) Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to the specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Ceiling (Expr<double> a) Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to the specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Cos (Expr<double> d) Returns the cosine of the specified angle.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Cosh (Expr<double> value) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Exp (Expr<double> d) Returns e raised to the specified power.
Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Floor (Expr<System::Decimal> d) Returns the largest number less than or equal to the specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Floor (Expr<double> d) Returns the largest number less than or equal to the specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Log (Expr<double> d) Returns the logarithm of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Log (Expr<double> a, Expr<double> newBase) Returns the logarithm of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Log10 (Expr<double> d) Log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> Max (Expr<unsigned char> val1, Expr<unsigned char> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Max (Expr<System::Decimal> val1, Expr<System::Decimal> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Max (Expr<double> val1, Expr<double> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> Max (Expr<float> val1, Expr<float> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Max (Expr<int> val1, Expr<int> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> Max (Expr<long long int> val1, Expr<long long int> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<signed char> Max (Expr<signed char> val1, Expr<signed char> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> Max (Expr<short> val1, Expr<short> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned int> Max (Expr<unsigned int> val1, Expr<unsigned int> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned long long int> Max (Expr<unsigned long long int> val1, Expr<unsigned long long int> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned short> Max (Expr<unsigned short> val1, Expr<unsigned short> val2) Returns the larger of two specified numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned char> Min (Expr<unsigned char> val1, Expr<unsigned char> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Min (Expr<System::Decimal> val1, Expr<System::Decimal> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Min (Expr<double> val1, Expr<double> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<float> Min (Expr<float> val1, Expr<float> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Min (Expr<int> val1, Expr<int> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<long long int> Min (Expr<long long int> val1, Expr<long long int> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<signed char> Min (Expr<signed char> val1, Expr<signed char> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<short> Min (Expr<short> val1, Expr<short> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned int> Min (Expr<unsigned int> val1, Expr<unsigned int> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned long long int> Min (Expr<unsigned long long int> val1, Expr<unsigned long long int> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<unsigned short> Min (Expr<unsigned short> val1, Expr<unsigned short> val2) Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Pow (Expr<double> x, Expr<double> y) Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.
Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Round (Expr<System::Decimal> d) Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Round (Expr<double> a) Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places.
Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Round (Expr<System::Decimal> d, Expr<int> decimals) Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Round (Expr<double> value, Expr<int> digits) Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sign (Expr<System::Decimal> value) Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sign (Expr<double> value) Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sign (Expr<float> value) Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sign (Expr<int> value) Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sign (Expr<long long int> value) Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sign (Expr<signed char> value) Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<int> Sign (Expr<short> value) Returns a value indicating the sign of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Sin (Expr<double> a) Returns the sine of the specified angle.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Sinh (Expr<double> value) Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Sqrt (Expr<double> d) Returns the square root of a specified number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Tan (Expr<double> a) Returns the tangent of the specified angle.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Tanh (Expr<double> value) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.
Static memberMethodExpr<System::Decimal> Truncate (Expr<System::Decimal> d) Calculates the integral part of a number.
Static memberMethodExpr<double> Truncate (Expr<double> d) Calculates the integral part of a number.
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