is a class that represents data query. This class contain several methods for
constructing queries, like Where
, Select
, Average
and other
(these methods are called query operators in LINQ terminology).
Class name | Description | |
CQuery<T> | This class represents data query. It contain several methods for constructing queries, like Where, Select, Average and other. | |
Tuple<T0, T1> | This class represents a pair of values. |
Wrapper classes are type-safe wrappers for all standard C++/CLI types. You can use wrapper classes in
your code when writing expressions instead of Expression<T>
to make the code more readable. Wrapper
classes also override standard operators that are available for every type and can contain methods (for
example EString::Substring
etc.). The following wrapper classes are included in CLinq:
Wrapper class | Description | |
Expr<bool> | Template specialization for the 'bool' expresion. Implements operators !=, == and logical operators (&&, ||) and unary !. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<double>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators. | |
Expr<Nullable<float>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<float>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators. | |
Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<System::Decimal>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators. | |
Expr<Nullable<long long int>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts). | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<Nullable<short>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<Nullable<signed char>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<signed char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<double> | Template specialization for the 'double' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators. | |
Expr<float> | Template specialization for the 'float' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> | Template specialization for the 'System::Decimal' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators. | |
Expr<long long int> | Template specialization for the 'long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<unsigned long long int> | Template specialization for the 'unsigned long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<int> | Template specialization for the 'int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts). | |
Expr<unsigned int> | Template specialization for the 'unsigned int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<short> | Template specialization for the 'short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<unsigned short> | Template specialization for the 'unsigned short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<unsigned char> | Template specialization for the 'unsigned char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<signed char> | Template specialization for the 'signed char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo). | |
Expr<wchar_t> | Template specialization for the 'wchar_t' expresion. Supports comparison operators. | |
Expr<String^> | Template specialization for the 'String^' expresion. Support standard string operators and methods. | |
Expr<DateTime> | Template specialization for the 'DateTime' expresion. | |
Expr<Nullable<DateTime>> | Template specialization for the 'Nullable<DateTime>' expresion. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>> | Template specialization for working with collections. Contains methods for querying data (called operators in LINQ terminology). | |
Expr<IGrouping<K, T>> | Template specialization for results of GroupBy operator. Contains expressions that represent Key and values. | |
Expr<Tuple<T0, T1>> | This class represents a pair of values. |
Variable classes represent typed variable of specific type and are declared for all standard C++/CLI types.
You can use variable classes instead of Variable<T>
if you want to make code more readable. Please
note that variable classes can be converted to wrapper classes using assignment. The following variable
classes are included in CLinq:
Variable class | Description | |
Var<unsigned char> | Class that represents variable of type unsigned char. | |
Var<signed char> | Class that represents variable of type signed char. | |
Var<float> | Class that represents variable of type float. | |
Var<double> | Class that represents variable of type double. | |
Var<System::Decimal> | Class that represents variable of type System::Decimal. | |
Var<long long int> | Class that represents variable of type long long int (Int64). | |
Var<short> | Class that represents variable of type short (Int16). | |
Var<int> | Class that represents variable of type int (Int32). | |
Var<unsigned long long int> | Class that represents variable of type unsigned long long int (UInt64). | |
Var<unsigned short> | Class that represents variable of type unsigned short (UInt16). | |
Var<unsigned int> | Class that represents variable of type unsigned int (UInt32). | |
Var<bool> | Class that represents variable of type bool. | |
Var<wchar_t> | Class that represents variable of type unicode wchar_t (Char). | |
Var<String^> | Class that represents variable of type System::String. |
Static classes contains methods that can be used in CLinq expression and accept wrapper classes as a parameters. The following static classes are included in CLinq (click on the class to see list of its methods):
Static class | Description | |
Expr<System::Convert> | Converts a base data type to another base data type. | |
Expr<System::Math> | Provides constants and static methods for trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions. |
This class represents data query. It contain several methods for constructing queries, like Where, Select, Average and other.
IQueryable<T> Query | Returns the underlying LINQ query representation. |
Expr<int> Count
| Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int. | |
Expr<int> Count
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence for which the filter returns true with a return type of int. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<R>^> Select
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, R>^>^ selector)
| The Select operator performs a projection over a sequence | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Where
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Where operator filters a sequence based on a predicate | |
Expr<IEnumerable<S>^> SelectMany
(Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<S>^>^>^ selector)
| The SelectMany operator performs a one to many element projection over a sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<V>^> Join
(Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, U, V>^>^ resultSelector)
| The Join operator performs an inner join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<V>^> GroupJoin
(Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<U>^, V>^>^ resultSelector)
| The GroupJoin operator performs a grouped join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderBy
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector)
| The OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in ascending order. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderByDescending
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector)
| he OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in descending order. | |
Expr<T> First
| The First operator returns the first element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> FirstOrDefault
| The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Last
| The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> LastOrDefault
| The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Single
| The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> SingleOrDefault
| The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<bool> Any
| The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. | |
Expr<T> Min
| The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<T> Max
| The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<long long int> LongCount
| The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long. | |
Expr<int> Count
| The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int. | |
Expr<int> Count
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, T>^>^> GroupBy
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector)
| The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, E>^>^> GroupBy
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector, Lambda<Func<T, E>^>^ elementSelector)
| The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence. | |
Expr<V> Min
(Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector)
| The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<V> Max
(Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector)
| The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Take
(Expr<int> count)
| The Take operator yields a given number of elements from a sequence and then skips the remainder of the sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Skip
(Expr<int> count)
| The Skip operator skips a given number of elements from a sequence and then yields the remainder of the sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Distinct
| The Distinct operator eliminates duplicate elements from a sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Concat
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Concat operator concatenates two sequences. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Union
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Union operator produces the set union of two sequences. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Intersect
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Intersect operator produces the set intersection of two sequences. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Except
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Except operator produces the set difference between two sequences. | |
Expr<T> First
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The First operator returns the first element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> FirstOrDefault
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Last
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> LastOrDefault
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Single
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> SingleOrDefault
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<bool> Any
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. | |
Expr<bool> All
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The All operator checks whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. | |
Expr<long long int> LongCount
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long. | |
Expr<int> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<long long int> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Decimal> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Decimal> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<long long int>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<Decimal>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<Decimal>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. |
This class represents a pair of values.
T0 First | Returns the first value stored in tuple. | |
T0 First | Returns the second value stored in tuple. |
Template specialization for the 'bool' expresion. Implements operators !=, == and logical operators (&&, ||) and unary !.
Expr<bool> operator !
(Expr<bool> value)
| Returns negation of the logical value. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right)
| Test values for equality. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right)
| Test values for inequality. | |
Expr<bool> operator &&
(Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right)
| Performs logical 'and' operation. | |
Expr<bool> operator ||
(Expr<bool> left, Expr<bool> right)
| Performs logical 'or' operation. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<double>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
Expr<Nullable<double>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<double>> left, Expr<Nullable<double>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<double>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<float>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
Expr<Nullable<float>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<float>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<float>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<float>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<float>> left, Expr<Nullable<float>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<float>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<System::Decimal>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> left, Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<System::Decimal>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<Nullable<long long int>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<long long int>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<long long int>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<long long int>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<long long int>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<long long int>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned long long int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned long long int>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts).
Expr<Nullable<int>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> operator <<
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Shift left operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> operator >>
(Expr<Nullable<int>> left, Expr<Nullable<int>> right)
| Shift right operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<int>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned int>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned int>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<Nullable<short>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<short>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<short>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<short>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<short>> left, Expr<Nullable<short>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<short>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned short>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned short>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<unsigned char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> left, Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<unsigned char>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<signed char>' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<Nullable<signed char>> operator +
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<signed char>> operator *
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<signed char>> operator /
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<Nullable<signed char>> operator -
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<Nullable<signed char>> left, Expr<Nullable<signed char>> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<Nullable<signed char>> types. |
Template specialization for the 'double' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
Expr<double> operator +
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<double> operator *
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<double> operator /
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<double> operator -
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<double> left, Expr<double> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<double> types. |
Template specialization for the 'float' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
Expr<float> operator +
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<float> operator *
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<float> operator /
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<float> operator -
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<float> left, Expr<float> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<float> types. |
Template specialization for the 'System::Decimal' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators.
Expr<System::Decimal> operator +
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> operator *
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> operator /
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> operator -
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<System::Decimal> left, Expr<System::Decimal> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<System::Decimal> types. |
Template specialization for the 'long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<long long int> operator +
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<long long int> operator *
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<long long int> operator /
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<long long int> operator -
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<long long int> left, Expr<long long int> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<long long int> types. |
Template specialization for the 'unsigned long long int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<unsigned long long int> operator +
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<unsigned long long int> operator *
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<unsigned long long int> operator /
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<unsigned long long int> operator -
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<unsigned long long int> left, Expr<unsigned long long int> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned long long int> types. |
Template specialization for the 'int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo and shifts).
Expr<int> operator +
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<int> operator *
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<int> operator /
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<int> operator -
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<int> operator <<
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Shift left operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. | |
Expr<int> operator >>
(Expr<int> left, Expr<int> right)
| Shift right operator for tuple of Expr<int> types. |
Template specialization for the 'unsigned int' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<unsigned int> operator +
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<unsigned int> operator *
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<unsigned int> operator /
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<unsigned int> operator -
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<unsigned int> left, Expr<unsigned int> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned int> types. |
Template specialization for the 'short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<short> operator +
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<short> operator *
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<short> operator /
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<short> operator -
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<short> left, Expr<short> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<short> types. |
Template specialization for the 'unsigned short' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<unsigned short> operator +
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<unsigned short> operator *
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<unsigned short> operator /
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<unsigned short> operator -
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<unsigned short> left, Expr<unsigned short> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned short> types. |
Template specialization for the 'unsigned char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<unsigned char> operator +
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<unsigned char> operator *
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<unsigned char> operator /
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<unsigned char> operator -
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<unsigned char> left, Expr<unsigned char> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<unsigned char> types. |
Template specialization for the 'signed char' expresion. Supports standard math and comparison operators (including modulo).
Expr<signed char> operator +
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Addition operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<signed char> operator *
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Multiplication operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<signed char> operator /
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Division operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<signed char> operator -
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Subtraction operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Less than operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Greather than operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator <=
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Less or equals operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator >=
(Expr<signed char> left, Expr<signed char> right)
| Greather or equals than operator for tuple of Expr<signed char> types. |
Template specialization for the 'wchar_t' expresion. Supports comparison operators.
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<wchar_t> left, Expr<wchar_t> right)
| Test values for equality. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<wchar_t> left, Expr<wchar_t> right)
| Test values for inequality. |
Template specialization for the 'String^' expresion. Support standard string operators and methods.
Expr<String^> operator +
(Expr<String^> left, Expr<String^> right)
| Operator for string concatenation. | |
Expr<bool> operator ==
(Expr<String^> left, Expr<String^> right)
| comparison operator for tuple of Expr<String^> types. | |
Expr<bool> operator !=
(Expr<String^> left, Expr<String^> right)
| Inequallity operator for tuple of Expr<String^> types. |
Expr<String^> Substring
(Expr<int> startIndex)
| Retrieves a substring from this instance. | |
Expr<String^> Substring
(Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> length)
| Retrieves a substring from this instance. | |
Expr<bool> Contains
(Expr<String^> value)
| Returns a value indicating whether the specified String object occurs within this string. | |
Expr<bool> StartsWith
(Expr<String^> value)
| Determines whether the beginning of an instance of String matches a specified string. | |
Expr<bool> EndsWith
(Expr<String^> value)
| Determines whether the end of an instance of String matches a specified string. | |
Expr<int> IndexOf
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string. | |
Expr<int> IndexOf
(Expr<String^> value)
| Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string. | |
Expr<int> IndexOf
(Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex)
| Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string. | |
Expr<int> IndexOf
(Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex)
| Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string. | |
Expr<int> IndexOf
(Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count)
| Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string. | |
Expr<int> IndexOf
(Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count)
| Reports the index of the first occurrence of a String, or one or more characters, within this string. | |
Expr<int> LastIndexOf
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance. | |
Expr<int> LastIndexOf
(Expr<String^> value)
| Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance. | |
Expr<int> LastIndexOf
(Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex)
| Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance. | |
Expr<int> LastIndexOf
(Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex)
| Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance. | |
Expr<int> LastIndexOf
(Expr<wchar_t> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count)
| Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance. | |
Expr<int> LastIndexOf
(Expr<String^> value, Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count)
| Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or String within this instance. | |
Expr<String^> Insert
(Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<String^> value)
| Inserts a specified instance of String at a specified index position in this instance. | |
Expr<String^> Remove
(Expr<int> startIndex)
| Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance. | |
Expr<String^> Remove
(Expr<int> startIndex, Expr<int> count)
| Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance. | |
Expr<String^> Replace
(Expr<wchar_t> oldChar, Expr<wchar_t> newChar)
| Replaces all occurrences of a specified Unicode character or String in this instance, with another specified Unicode character or String. | |
Expr<String^> Replace
(Expr<String^> oldValue, Expr<String^> newValue)
| Replaces all occurrences of a specified Unicode character or String in this instance, with another specified Unicode character or String. | |
Expr<String^> Trim
| Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of specified characters from the current String object. | |
Expr<String^> ToLower
| Returns a copy of this String converted to lowercase. | |
Expr<String^> ToUpper
| Returns a copy of this String converted to uppercase. | |
Expr<String^> PadRight
(Expr<int> totalWidth)
| Left-aligns the characters in this string, padding on the right with spaces or a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length. | |
Expr<String^> PadRight
(Expr<int> totalWidth, Expr<wchar_t> paddingChar)
| Left-aligns the characters in this string, padding on the right with spaces or a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length. | |
Expr<String^> PadLeft
(Expr<int> totalWidth)
| Right-aligns the characters in this instance, padding on the left with spaces or a specified Unicode character for a specified total length. | |
Expr<String^> PadLeft
(Expr<int> totalWidth, Expr<wchar_t> paddingChar)
| Right-aligns the characters in this instance, padding on the left with spaces or a specified Unicode character for a specified total length. | |
Expr<bool> Equals
(Expr<String^> str)
| Determines whether two String objects have the same value. | |
Expr<int> CompareTo
(Expr<String^> str)
| Compares this instance with a specified object or String and returns an indication of their relative values. | |
Expr<int> Compare
(Expr<String^> strA, Expr<String^> strB)
| Compares two specified String objects. | |
Expr<String^> Concat
(... cli::array<Expression<String^>^>^ strs)
| Concatenates one or more instances of String. |
Template specialization for the 'DateTime' expresion.
Template specialization for the 'Nullable<DateTime>' expresion.
Template specialization for working with collections. Contains methods for querying data (called operators in LINQ terminology).
Expr<int> Count
| Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int. | |
Expr<int> Count
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| Operator counts the number of elements in a sequence for which the filter returns true with a return type of int. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<R>^> Select
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, R>^>^ selector)
| The Select operator performs a projection over a sequence | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Where
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Where operator filters a sequence based on a predicate | |
Expr<IEnumerable<S>^> SelectMany
(Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<S>^>^>^ selector)
| The SelectMany operator performs a one to many element projection over a sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<V>^> Join
(Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, U, V>^>^ resultSelector)
| The Join operator performs an inner join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<V>^> GroupJoin
(Expr<IQueryable<U>^> inner, Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ outerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<U, K>^>^ innerKeySelector, Lambda<Func<T, IEnumerable<U>^, V>^>^ resultSelector)
| The GroupJoin operator performs a grouped join of two sequences based on matching keys extracted from the elements. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderBy
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector)
| The OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in ascending order. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> OrderByDescending
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector)
| he OrderBy operator orders a sequence according to one or more keys in descending order. | |
Expr<T> First
| The First operator returns the first element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> FirstOrDefault
| The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Last
| The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> LastOrDefault
| The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Single
| The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> SingleOrDefault
| The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<bool> Any
| The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. | |
Expr<T> Min
| The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<T> Max
| The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<long long int> LongCount
| The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long. | |
Expr<int> Count
| The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int. | |
Expr<int> Count
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Count operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of int. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, T>^>^> GroupBy
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector)
| The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<IGrouping<K, E>^>^> GroupBy
(Lambda<Func<T, K>^>^ keySelector, Lambda<Func<T, E>^>^ elementSelector)
| The GroupBy operator groups the elements of a sequence. | |
Expr<V> Min
(Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector)
| The Min operator finds the minimum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<V> Max
(Lambda<Func<T, V>^>^ selector)
| The Max operator finds the maximum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Take
(Expr<int> count)
| The Take operator yields a given number of elements from a sequence and then skips the remainder of the sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Skip
(Expr<int> count)
| The Skip operator skips a given number of elements from a sequence and then yields the remainder of the sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Distinct
| The Distinct operator eliminates duplicate elements from a sequence. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Concat
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Concat operator concatenates two sequences. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Union
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Union operator produces the set union of two sequences. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Intersect
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Intersect operator produces the set intersection of two sequences. | |
Expr<IEnumerable<T>^> Except
(Expr<IQueryable<T>^> source)
| The Except operator produces the set difference between two sequences. | |
Expr<T> First
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The First operator returns the first element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> FirstOrDefault
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The FirstOrDefault operator returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Last
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Last operator returns the last element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> LastOrDefault
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The LastOrDefault operator returns the last element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<T> Single
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Single operator returns the single element of a sequence. | |
Expr<T> SingleOrDefault
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The SingleOrDefault operator returns the single element of a sequence, or a default value if no element is found. | |
Expr<bool> Any
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The Any operator checks whether any element of a sequence satisfies a condition. | |
Expr<bool> All
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The All operator checks whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. | |
Expr<long long int> LongCount
(Lambda<Func<T, bool>^>^ filter)
| The LongCount operator counts the number of elements in a sequence with a return type of Long. | |
Expr<int> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, int>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<long long int> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, long long int>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<double> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, double>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Decimal> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Decimal> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Decimal>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<int>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<int>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<long long int>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<long long int>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<double>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<double>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<Decimal>> Sum
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector)
| The Sum operator computes the sum of a sequence of numeric values. | |
Expr<Nullable<Decimal>> Average
(Lambda<System::Query::Func<T, Nullable<Decimal>>^>^ selector)
| The Average operator computes the average of a sequence of numeric values. |
Template specialization for results of GroupBy operator. Contains expressions that represent Key and values.
Expr<K> Key | Returns expression that represents the key returned from GroupBy. | |
IEnumerable<T> Values | Returns expression that represents collection of values returned from GroupBy. |
This class represents a pair of values.
Expr<T0> First | Returns the expression repressenting first value stored in tuple. | |
Expr<T0> First | Returns the expression repressenting second value stored in tuple. |
Class that represents variable of type unsigned char.
// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned char'Back to top
Expr<unsigned char> var = Var<unsigned char>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned char> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type signed char.
// Create CLinq variable of type 'signed char'Back to top
Expr<signed char> var = Var<signed char>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<signed char> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type float.
// Create CLinq variable of type 'float'Back to top
Expr<float> var = Var<float>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<float> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type double.
// Create CLinq variable of type 'double'Back to top
Expr<double> var = Var<double>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<double> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type System::Decimal.
// Create CLinq variable of type 'System::Decimal'Back to top
Expr<System::Decimal> var = Var<System::Decimal>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<System::Decimal> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type long long int (Int64).
// Create CLinq variable of type 'long long int'Back to top
Expr<long long int> var = Var<long long int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<long long int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type short (Int16).
// Create CLinq variable of type 'short'Back to top
Expr<short> var = Var<short>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<short> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type int (Int32).
// Create CLinq variable of type 'int'Back to top
Expr<int> var = Var<int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type unsigned long long int (UInt64).
// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned long long int'Back to top
Expr<unsigned long long int> var = Var<unsigned long long int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned long long int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type unsigned short (UInt16).
// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned short'Back to top
Expr<unsigned short> var = Var<unsigned short>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned short> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type unsigned int (UInt32).
// Create CLinq variable of type 'unsigned int'Back to top
Expr<unsigned int> var = Var<unsigned int>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<unsigned int> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type bool.
// Create CLinq variable of type 'bool'Back to top
Expr<bool> var = Var<bool>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<bool> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type unicode wchar_t (Char).
// Create CLinq variable of type 'wchar_t'Back to top
Expr<wchar_t> var = Var<wchar_t>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<wchar_t> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Class that represents variable of type System::String.
// Create CLinq variable of type 'String^'Back to top
Expr<String^> var = Var<String^>("var"); // Variables can be converted to Expression<T> type, so when you have a function // that accepts coresponding expression, you can call it like this:
void UseExpr(Expression<String^> expr) { /* ... */ } UseExpr(var);
Converts a base data type to another base data type.
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<bool> ToBool
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'bool'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<unsigned char> ToByte
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'unsigned char'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<wchar_t> ToChar
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'wchar_t'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<DateTime> ToDateTime
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'DateTime'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<Decimal> ToDecimal
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'Decimal'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<double> ToDouble
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'double'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<float> ToSingle
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'float'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<short> ToInt16
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'short'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<int> ToInt32
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<long long int> ToInt64
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'long long int'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<bool> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<unsigned char> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<wchar_t> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<DateTime> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<Decimal> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<Double> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<float> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<short> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. | |
Expr<String^> ToString
(Expr<String^> value)
| Overloaded. Converts a specified value to 'String^'. |
Provides constants and static methods for trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions.
Expr<System::Decimal> Abs
(Expr<System::Decimal> value)
| Returns the absolute value of a specified number. | |
Expr<double> Abs
(Expr<double> value)
| Returns the absolute value of a specified number. | |
Expr<float> Abs
(Expr<float> value)
| Returns the absolute value of a specified number. | |
Expr<int> Abs
(Expr<int> value)
| Returns the absolute value of a specified number. | |
Expr<long long int> Abs
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Returns the absolute value of a specified number. | |
Expr<signed char> Abs
(Expr<signed char> value)
| Returns the absolute value of a specified number. | |
Expr<short> Abs
(Expr<short> value)
| Returns the absolute value of a specified number. | |
Expr<double> Acos
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number. | |
Expr<double> Asin
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number. | |
Expr<double> Atan
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number. | |
Expr<double> Atan2
(Expr<double> y, Expr<double> x)
| Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<long long int> BigMul
(Expr<int> a, Expr<int> b)
| Produces the full product of two 32-bit numbers. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> Ceiling
(Expr<System::Decimal> d)
| Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to the specified number. | |
Expr<double> Ceiling
(Expr<double> a)
| Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to the specified number. | |
Expr<double> Cos
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns the cosine of the specified angle. | |
Expr<double> Cosh
(Expr<double> value)
| Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle. | |
Expr<double> Exp
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns e raised to the specified power. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> Floor
(Expr<System::Decimal> d)
| Returns the largest number less than or equal to the specified number. | |
Expr<double> Floor
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns the largest number less than or equal to the specified number. | |
Expr<double> Log
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns the logarithm of a specified number. | |
Expr<double> Log
(Expr<double> a, Expr<double> newBase)
| Returns the logarithm of a specified number. | |
Expr<double> Log10
(Expr<double> d)
| Log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. | |
Expr<unsigned char> Max
(Expr<unsigned char> val1, Expr<unsigned char> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> Max
(Expr<System::Decimal> val1, Expr<System::Decimal> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<double> Max
(Expr<double> val1, Expr<double> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<float> Max
(Expr<float> val1, Expr<float> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<int> Max
(Expr<int> val1, Expr<int> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<long long int> Max
(Expr<long long int> val1, Expr<long long int> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<signed char> Max
(Expr<signed char> val1, Expr<signed char> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<short> Max
(Expr<short> val1, Expr<short> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<unsigned int> Max
(Expr<unsigned int> val1, Expr<unsigned int> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<unsigned long long int> Max
(Expr<unsigned long long int> val1, Expr<unsigned long long int> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<unsigned short> Max
(Expr<unsigned short> val1, Expr<unsigned short> val2)
| Returns the larger of two specified numbers. | |
Expr<unsigned char> Min
(Expr<unsigned char> val1, Expr<unsigned char> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> Min
(Expr<System::Decimal> val1, Expr<System::Decimal> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<double> Min
(Expr<double> val1, Expr<double> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<float> Min
(Expr<float> val1, Expr<float> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<int> Min
(Expr<int> val1, Expr<int> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<long long int> Min
(Expr<long long int> val1, Expr<long long int> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<signed char> Min
(Expr<signed char> val1, Expr<signed char> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<short> Min
(Expr<short> val1, Expr<short> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<unsigned int> Min
(Expr<unsigned int> val1, Expr<unsigned int> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<unsigned long long int> Min
(Expr<unsigned long long int> val1, Expr<unsigned long long int> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<unsigned short> Min
(Expr<unsigned short> val1, Expr<unsigned short> val2)
| Returns the smaller of two numbers. | |
Expr<double> Pow
(Expr<double> x, Expr<double> y)
| Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> Round
(Expr<System::Decimal> d)
| Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places. | |
Expr<double> Round
(Expr<double> a)
| Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> Round
(Expr<System::Decimal> d, Expr<int> decimals)
| Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places. | |
Expr<double> Round
(Expr<double> value, Expr<int> digits)
| Rounds a value to the nearest number or specified number of Expr<System::Decimal> places. | |
Expr<int> Sign
(Expr<System::Decimal> value)
| Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. | |
Expr<int> Sign
(Expr<double> value)
| Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. | |
Expr<int> Sign
(Expr<float> value)
| Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. | |
Expr<int> Sign
(Expr<int> value)
| Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. | |
Expr<int> Sign
(Expr<long long int> value)
| Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. | |
Expr<int> Sign
(Expr<signed char> value)
| Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. | |
Expr<int> Sign
(Expr<short> value)
| Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. | |
Expr<double> Sin
(Expr<double> a)
| Returns the sine of the specified angle. | |
Expr<double> Sinh
(Expr<double> value)
| Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle. | |
Expr<double> Sqrt
(Expr<double> d)
| Returns the square root of a specified number. | |
Expr<double> Tan
(Expr<double> a)
| Returns the tangent of the specified angle. | |
Expr<double> Tanh
(Expr<double> value)
| Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle. | |
Expr<System::Decimal> Truncate
(Expr<System::Decimal> d)
| Calculates the integral part of a number. | |
Expr<double> Truncate
(Expr<double> d)
| Calculates the integral part of a number. |