Coeffects Unified static analysis of context-dependence
Tomas Petricek, Dominic Orchard and Alan Mycroft
In Proceedings of ICALP 2013
Monadic effect systems provide a unified way of tracking effects of computations, but there is no unified mechanism for tracking how computations rely on the environment in which they are executed. This is becoming an important problem for modern software - we need to track where distributed computations run, which resources a program uses and how they use other capabilities of the environment.
We consider three examples of context-dependence analysis: liveness analysis, tracking the use of implicit parameters (similar to tracking of resource usage in distributed computation), and calculating caching requirements for dataflow programs. Informed by these cases, we present a unified calculus for tracking context dependence in functional languages together with a categorical semantics based on indexed comonads. We believe that indexed comonads are the right foundation for constructing context-aware languages and type systems and that following an approach akin to monads can lead to a widespread use of the concept.
Paper and more information
- Download the paper (PDF)
- View talk slides from ICALP conference
- Our ICFP 2014 paper extends the work presented here.
- Poster about coeffects (PDF) from ACM Student Research Competition
- Extended abstract (2 page version and 4 page version) from ACM SRC
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Published: Monday, 17 June 2013, 12:00 AM
Author: Tomas Petricek
Typos: Send me a pull request!