Upcoming F# talks and trainings (London, NYC & Boston)

After a few years, I finally managed to find the time to attend the MVP Summit this year. The Summit is an annual event where people who are active in Microsoft technical communities come to the Microsoft headquarters to learn about new things (and, of course, tell them how they should be doing their job :-)). The Summit is a great place to meet interesting people (so if you're reading this and will be there, definitely get in touch!)
The good news - for those interested in F# - is that I'll be doing two F# talks on the way. I'll stop in Boston on February 13 and then in New York on February 25. I'll be talking about different topics (Google tells me that the distance is only 216 miles!)
Functional Programming in C# and F#
Domain-specific languages are a pattern for designing composable and easy to use software libraries. F# excels at this task as it combines powerful types and functional constructs with a flexible syntax.
- London date is 26 November
- New York date is 1 October
- Register: New York City F# User Group
Taking Over the World with F# Agents
The F# asynchronous workflows is one of the killer features of F#. Even with the asynchronous programming support in C#, the F# model has still many things to offer, including powerful agent-based programming model.
- Wednesday, February 13, 2013 in Boston
- Register: New England F# User Group
F# Trainings and Tutorials in London and New York
Aside from the US road trip, we also redesigned the F# training that I do with Phil Trelford. The new training is a very pragmatic 2-day F# training where you'll learn about F# (in the first day) and then use it in practice for data processing and concurrent programming - the two domains where F# excels.
- Course in New York on 29-30 April, 2013
- Course in London on 13-14 March, 2013
I'm pleased to offer a 10% discount to the readers of this blog - just send me an email to tomas@tomasp.net! We are also happy to do in-house or custom trainings. If you're interested, get in touch too.

If you can make it to New York in April/May, you have a unique chance to learn F# and look at some advanced topics in just 4 days. The course will be immediately followed by Progressive F# Tutorials. This two day event packed with 3 hour tutorials by F# expers all around the world will take place on 1-2 May. The current schedule is not available yet, but check out the last year's line-up as a teaser.
How F# Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Data
Finally, if you live near Cambridge, UK, you can come to my upcoming talk about FunScript and F# Data (in the new Microsoft Research building, close to the train station!) In the talk, I'll show how you can easily call REST APIs from F# using type providers and how you can access WorldBank data, but with a slight twist. All the code will be fully translated to JavaScript and will run in any web browser.
- Tuesday, March 7, 2013 in Cambridge
- Details to appear soon at: Software East web site