Announcing Literate programming tools for F#

For some time now, I've been writing my F# blog posts (and other F# articles published elsewhere) by combining F# code snippets and Markdown formatting. In fact, I even wrote a Markdown parser in F# so that I can post-process documents (to generate references etc). You can read about the Markdown parser in an upcoming F# Deep Dives book - currently, it is available as a free chapter!

During the Christmas break, I finally found enough time to clean-up the code I was using and package it properly into a documented library that is easy to install and use. Here are the most important links:

Introducing literate programming

The package consists of two separate components - FSharp.Markdown.dll implements the Markdown parser and FSharp.CodeFormat.dll implements tools for formatting of F# code (with colorization and tool-tips) using the F# compiler API. However, the most interesting new part of the package is the Literate.fsx script that implements the idea of literate programming for F#. WikiPedia defines literate programming as follows:

A literate program is an explanation of the program logic in a natural language, such as English, interspersed with snippets of macros and traditional source code.

The F# incarnation of this idea is a script that makes it possible to generate nice readable HTML from a file that combines F# and Markdown. There are two options:

Documents are F# script files (*.fsx) and contain special comments with documentation in Markdown and commands for generating HTML output. The following sample page demonstrates how to write literate F# scripts by showing the source and the output side-by-side:

Documents are Markdown documents (*.md) and contain blocks of F# code (indented by four spaces as usual in Markdown) and optionally use special commands. The following sample page demonstrates how to write literate Markdown documents with F# code by showing the source and the output side-by-side:

Which option is better depends on whether you prefer to write code in F# editro in Visual Studio (with all text in comments) or in some Markdown editor (without syntax highlighting for F# snippets).

Writing F# Script files

The following example shows most of the features that can be used in a literate F# script file. The tool looks for multi-line comments that start with double asterisk or triple asterisk. Most of the features should be quite self-explanatory:

# First-level heading
Some more documentation using `Markdown`.

(*** include: final-sample ***)

## Second-level heading
With some more documentation

(*** define: final-sample ***)
let helloWorld() = printfn "Hello world!"

The F# script files is processed as follows:

Two of the supported commands are define, which defines a named snippet (such as final-sample) and removes the command together with the following F# code block from the main document. The snippet can then be inserted elsewhere in the document using include. This makes it possible to write documents without the ordering requirements of the F# language.

Another supported command is hide (without a value) which specifies that the following F# code block (until the next comment or command) should be omitted from the output.

Writing Markdown documents

In the Markdown mode, the entire file is a valid Markdown document, which may contain F# code snippets (but also other code snippets). As usual, snippets are indented with four spaces. In addition, the snippets can be annotated with special commands. Some of them are demonstrated in the following example:

#First-level heading

    let print s = printfn "%s" s

Some more documentation using `Markdown`.

    let helloWorld() = print "Hello world!"

# Second-level heading
With some more documentation

    Console.WriteLine("Hello world!");

When processing the document, all F# snippets are copied to a separate file that is type-checked using the F# compiler (to obtain colours and tool tips). The commands are written on the first line of the snippet, wrapped in [...]:

Getting and using the F# literate script

You should have no difficulties with installing the F# Formatting package. Just search for it in NuGet gallery or use the following command in Package Manager Console:

Install-Package FSharp.Formatting

The package will be located in a folder such as FSharp.Formatting.1.0.11 (depending on the version). The subdirectory lib/net40 contains the two assemblies together with FSharp.CompilerBinding.dll (from F# binding), which encapsulates the F# compiler API. If you're interested in literate programming, you need to look in the literate subdirectory. It contains the literate.fsx script (which contains the implementation) together with demo.fsx that shows how to use it to process individual files or an entire directory.

Assuming you installed a version 1.0.11 of the package, and you have an F# Script file (such as build.fsx) in the solution folder, you can load the literate programming script as follows (the exact path may slightly vary):

#I "packages/FSharp.Formatting.1.0.11/lib/net40"
#load "packages/FSharp.Formatting.1.0.11/literate/literate.fsx"
open FSharp.Literate
open System.IO

The first line tells F# interactive to automatically search for *.dll assemblies in the directory where FSharp.CodeFormat.dll and FSharp.Markdown.dll are located. This is required by the second line, which loads the literate.fsx script.

Now we can open FSharp.Literate and use the Literate type to process individual documents or entire directories.

Processing individual files

The Literate type has two static methods ProcessScriptFile and ProcessMarkdown that turn an F# script file and Markdown document, respectively, into an HTML file. To specify the HTML file structure, you need to provide a template. Two sample templates are included: for a single file and for a project, but you can use your own.

The template should include two parameters that will be replaced with the actual HTML: {document} will be replaced with the formatted document; {tooltips} will be replaced with (hidden) <div> elements containing code for tool tips that appear when you place mouse pointer over an identifier. Optionally, you can also use {page-title} which will be replaced with the text in a first-level heading. The template should also reference style.css and tips.js that define CSS style and JavaScript functions used by the generated HTML (see sample stylesheet and script on GitHub).

Assuming you have template.html in the current directory, you can write:

let source = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
let template = Path.Combine(source, "template.html")

Then you can use the two static methods to turn single documents into HTML as follows:

let script = Path.Combine(source, "docs/script.fsx")
Literate.ProcessScriptFile(script, template)

let doc = Path.Combine(source, "docs/")
Literate.ProcessMarkdown(doc, template)

This sample uses *.md extension for Markdown documents, but this is not required when using ProcessMarkdown. You can use any extension you wish. By default, the methods will generate file with the same name (but with the .html extension). You can change this by addint a third parameter with the output file name. There is a number of additional parameters you can specify - these are discussed below.

Processing entire directories

If you have multiple script files and Markdown documents (this time, they need to have the *.md file extension) in a single directory, you can run the tool on a directory. It will also automatically check that files are re-generated only when they were changed. The following sample also uses optional parameter replacements to specify additional keywords that will be replaced in the template file (this matches the template-project.html file which is included as a sample in the package):

// Load the template & specify project information
let template = source + "template-project.html"
let projInfo =
  [ "page-description", "F# Literate programming"
    "page-author", "Tomas Petricek"
    "github-link", ""
    "project-name", "F# Formatting" ]

// Process all files and save results to 'output' directory
  (source, template, source + "\\output", replacements = projInfo)

The sample template template-project.html has been used to generate this documentation and it includes additional parameters for specifying various information about F# projects.

Optional parameters

All of the three methods discussed in the previous two sections take a number of optional parameters that can be used to tweak how the formatting works or even to specify a different version of the F# compiler:


In this article, I demonstrated some of the capabilities of the F# Formatting library. The library consists of two projects - an F# implementation of Markdown processor and a tool for formatting F# code using the F# compiler service. These two are combined to provide an easy to use literate programming tools.

If you want to see the literate programming tools, check out the documentation for the F# Data library (I will write about it soon in a separate blog post). The documenation is generated from *.fsx files in the samples directory on GitHub. Other examples using the library include this blog and the documentation for F# Formatting itself.

val helloWorld : unit -> unit
val printfn : format:Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
union case Option.Some: Value: 'T -> Option<'T>
val using : resource:'T -> action:('T -> 'U) -> 'U (requires 'T :> System.IDisposable)
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp

namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.Literate
namespace System
namespace System.IO
val source : string
val template : string
type Path =
  static val DirectorySeparatorChar : char
  static val AltDirectorySeparatorChar : char
  static val VolumeSeparatorChar : char
  static val InvalidPathChars : char[]
  static val PathSeparator : char
  static member ChangeExtension : path:string * extension:string -> string
  static member Combine : [<ParamArray>] paths:string[] -> string + 3 overloads
  static member GetDirectoryName : path:string -> string
  static member GetExtension : path:string -> string
  static member GetFileName : path:string -> string
Path.Combine([<System.ParamArray>] paths: string []) : string
Path.Combine(path1: string, path2: string) : string
Path.Combine(path1: string, path2: string, path3: string) : string
Path.Combine(path1: string, path2: string, path3: string, path4: string) : string
val script : string
type Literate =
  static member private DefaultArguments : input:string * templateFile:string * output:string option * fsharpCompiler:Assembly option * prefix:string option * compilerOptions:string option * lineNumbers:bool option * references:bool option * replacements:(string * string) list option -> string * ProcessingContext
  static member ProcessDirectory : inputDirectory:string * templateFile:string * ?outputDirectory:string * ?fsharpCompiler:Assembly * ?prefix:string * ?compilerOptions:string * ?lineNumbers:bool * ?references:bool * ?replacements:(string * string) list -> unit
  static member ProcessMarkdown : input:string * templateFile:string * ?output:string * ?fsharpCompiler:Assembly * ?prefix:string * ?compilerOptions:string * ?lineNumbers:bool * ?references:bool * ?replacements:(string * string) list -> unit
  static member ProcessScriptFile : input:string * templateFile:string * ?output:string * ?fsharpCompiler:Assembly * ?prefix:string * ?compilerOptions:string * ?lineNumbers:bool * ?references:bool * ?replacements:(string * string) list -> unit
static member Literate.ProcessScriptFile : input:string * templateFile:string * ?output:string * ?fsharpCompiler:System.Reflection.Assembly * ?prefix:string * ?compilerOptions:string * ?lineNumbers:bool * ?references:bool * ?replacements:(string * string) list -> unit

 Process F# Script file
val doc : string
static member Literate.ProcessMarkdown : input:string * templateFile:string * ?output:string * ?fsharpCompiler:System.Reflection.Assembly * ?prefix:string * ?compilerOptions:string * ?lineNumbers:bool * ?references:bool * ?replacements:(string * string) list -> unit

 Process Markdown document
val projInfo : (string * string) list
static member Literate.ProcessDirectory : inputDirectory:string * templateFile:string * ?outputDirectory:string * ?fsharpCompiler:System.Reflection.Assembly * ?prefix:string * ?compilerOptions:string * ?lineNumbers:bool * ?references:bool * ?replacements:(string * string) list -> unit

 Process directory containing a mix of Markdown documents and F# Script files

Published: Tuesday, 22 January 2013, 5:35 PM
Author: Tomas Petricek
Typos: Send me a pull request!
Tags: open source, f#, writing, literate