Parallel Programming in F# (I.): Introducing the samples

Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET is a guide written by the patterns & practices group at Microsoft. It introduces .NET programmers to patterns for including parallelism in their applications (using support for parallel programming in .NET 4.0). It introduces techniques such as parallel loops, parallel tasks, data aggregation and so on. The book includes numerous samples in C# and Visual Basic that can be easily copied and adapted to match your needs.
As part of a contracting work for the F# team, I developed an F# version of the samples, which is
now available on the book web site.
You can get it by downloading F# code samples (ZIP) from the 1.0 release, or you can download the latest version of the source code directly. The F# version of the
code is mostly a direct translation of the C# versions, but there are a few interesting places that
are worth discussing. In particular, some of the samples use the PSeq
module from F#
PowerPack and I also added a version of one example that uses F# asynchronous workflows.
In this article series, I'll look at several interesting examples from the F# version of the source code. We'll look how to use PLINQ and Tasks (which are available in .NET 4.0) from F# (Part II.) including some advanced topics such as the Map-Reduce algorithm (Part III.). We'll also look at a larger example built using tasks and an alternative implementation using asynchronous workflows (Part IV.) Here are links to the individual articles:
- Parallel Programming in F# (I.): Introducing the samples
- Parallel Programming in F# (II.): Using PLINQ and Tasks
- Parallel Programming in F# (III.): Aggregating data
- Parallel Programming in F# (IV.): Financial dashboard example
Structure of F# samples
In this article, we'll briefly look at the general structure of F# versions of the samples.
In the C# version, there is usually a source file that contains both implementation of the
examples and the Main
method. In F#, I split the file into two - one file contains
the examples (e.g. "Examples.fs") and another file runs them (e.g. "Program.fs"). This makes
it possible to add a script file (e.g. "Script.fsx") that allows you to run the samples
easily in F# Interactive.
Code file
In this section, we'll briefly look at one example of the main source file that runs examples as a standalone program. For example, the "Program.fs" file from the "BasicTaskSamples" project in Chapter 3 looks as follows:
1: let main() = 2: Console.WriteLine("Basic Parallel Tasks Samples\n") 3: // Run several samples and measure the time taken 4: SampleUtilities.TimedAction "2 steps, sequential" (fun () -> 5: Chapter3Sample01Sequential() ) 6: SampleUtilities.TimedAction "2 steps, parallel invoke" (fun () -> 7: Chapter3Sample01ParallelInvoke() ) 8: // (Other samples omitted) 9: 10: // Run the main testing program in the thread pool 11: do Task.Factory.StartNew(main).Wait()
The sample uses SampleUtilities
module (which is defined in the "Utilities" project)
to measure the time of an operation. In this case, the main
function simply runs
all the examples in the project. Some examples provide more options for configuration - you can
adjust various constants in the program code or provide them as command line arguments.
However, in F# it is more comfortable to run the sample from F# Interactive and adjust the
sample configuration directly in the script file...
Script files
To demonstrate a typical script file that can be used to run samples in F# Interactive, we'll look at "Script.fsx" from the "BasicParallelLoops" project in Chapter 2. Every script file first needs to load several references and then loads files that implement the examples:
> #r @@"..\..\Utilities\bin\Release\Utilities.dll"
#load @@"..\..\PSeq.fs"
#load "ParallelForExample.fs";;
The first #r
directive loads the "Utilities" project, which contains various
helper functions that are used by most of the samples (e.g. calculations, simulation of CPU and I/O
bound tasks). Next, we load the PSeq
module from a file that is distributed as part
of the release. This is a local version copied from the latest version of F# PowerPack.
The release uses a local copy to make it easier to use the samples (you don't need to install PowerPack)
and also because the local copy contains several minor improvements; for example the mapReduce
function that we'll use in part III. of this series.
In the next step, we open necessary namespaces and create a configuration for running the samples
(in this case, configuration is a simple record that is passed to the example). In F# Interactive we
can also use built-in support for time measurement, so we turn it on using #time "on"
> open System
open Microsoft.Practices.ParallelGuideSamples.BasicParallelLoops.Examples;;
> let opts = { LoopBodyComplexity = 10000; NumberOfSteps = 10000 }
VerifyResult = false; SimulateInternalError = false };;
val opts : ExampleOptions = { (...) }
> #time "on";;
--> Timing now on
Now we have everything we need to run the samples. Thanks to the interactive environment
it is quite easy to run the samples that you're interested in as well as to go back to the
configuration, change some properties of the sample and re-run it. The following example compares sequential version of a sample with a parallel version using the PSeq
module (which we'll discuss in part II. of the series).
> let results = Chapter2.Example01 opts;; // Sequential 'for'
Real: 00:00:00.986, CPU: 00:00:00.998, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
val results : float [] =
[|0.0; 250025000.0; 500050000.0; (...) |]
> let results = Chapter2.Example04 opts;; // Parallel using F# PSeq
Real: 00:00:00.543, CPU: 00:00:00.998, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
val results : float [] =
[|0.0; 250025000.0; 500050000.0; (...) |]
Additional Information
Below are links to the book homepage at CodePlex, F# PowerPack project which is used in some of the examples, blogs by authors of Parallel Programming with .NET and other resources that you may find interesting.
- Parallel Programming with Microsoft .NET - Book homepage at CodePlex
- F# PowerPack - Project homepage at CodePlex
- Ade Miller: #2782 - Blog by one of the authors
- Stephen Toub: .NET, MSDN Magazine, and other Adventures in Life - Blog by one of the authors
- Parallel Programming with .NET - Team Blog
Full name: Program.main
static member BackgroundColor : System.ConsoleColor with get, set
static member Beep : unit -> unit
static member Beep : int * int -> unit
static member BufferHeight : int with get, set
static member BufferWidth : int with get, set
static member CapsLock : bool
static member Clear : unit -> unit
static member CursorLeft : int with get, set
static member CursorSize : int with get, set
static member CursorTop : int with get, set
static member CursorVisible : bool with get, set
static member Error : System.IO.TextWriter
static member ForegroundColor : System.ConsoleColor with get, set
static member In : System.IO.TextReader
static member InputEncoding : System.Text.Encoding with get, set
static member KeyAvailable : bool
static member LargestWindowHeight : int
static member LargestWindowWidth : int
static member MoveBufferArea : int * int * int * int * int * int -> unit
static member MoveBufferArea : int * int * int * int * int * int * char * System.ConsoleColor * System.ConsoleColor -> unit
static member NumberLock : bool
static member OpenStandardError : unit -> System.IO.Stream
static member OpenStandardError : int -> System.IO.Stream
static member OpenStandardInput : unit -> System.IO.Stream
static member OpenStandardInput : int -> System.IO.Stream
static member OpenStandardOutput : unit -> System.IO.Stream
static member OpenStandardOutput : int -> System.IO.Stream
static member Out : System.IO.TextWriter
static member OutputEncoding : System.Text.Encoding with get, set
static member Read : unit -> int
static member ReadKey : unit -> System.ConsoleKeyInfo
static member ReadKey : bool -> System.ConsoleKeyInfo
static member ReadLine : unit -> string
static member ResetColor : unit -> unit
static member SetBufferSize : int * int -> unit
static member SetCursorPosition : int * int -> unit
static member SetError : System.IO.TextWriter -> unit
static member SetIn : System.IO.TextReader -> unit
static member SetOut : System.IO.TextWriter -> unit
static member SetWindowPosition : int * int -> unit
static member SetWindowSize : int * int -> unit
static member Title : string with get, set
static member TreatControlCAsInput : bool with get, set
static member WindowHeight : int with get, set
static member WindowLeft : int with get, set
static member WindowTop : int with get, set
static member WindowWidth : int with get, set
static member Write : bool -> unit
static member Write : char -> unit
static member Write : char [] -> unit
static member Write : float -> unit
static member Write : decimal -> unit
static member Write : float32 -> unit
static member Write : int -> unit
static member Write : uint32 -> unit
static member Write : int64 -> unit
static member Write : uint64 -> unit
static member Write : obj -> unit
static member Write : string -> unit
static member Write : string * obj -> unit
static member Write : string * obj [] -> unit
static member Write : string * obj * obj -> unit
static member Write : char [] * int * int -> unit
static member Write : string * obj * obj * obj -> unit
static member Write : string * obj * obj * obj * obj -> unit
static member WriteLine : unit -> unit
static member WriteLine : bool -> unit
static member WriteLine : char -> unit
static member WriteLine : char [] -> unit
static member WriteLine : decimal -> unit
static member WriteLine : float -> unit
static member WriteLine : float32 -> unit
static member WriteLine : int -> unit
static member WriteLine : uint32 -> unit
static member WriteLine : int64 -> unit
static member WriteLine : uint64 -> unit
static member WriteLine : obj -> unit
static member WriteLine : string -> unit
static member WriteLine : string * obj -> unit
static member WriteLine : string * obj [] -> unit
static member WriteLine : char [] * int * int -> unit
static member WriteLine : string * obj * obj -> unit
static member WriteLine : string * obj * obj * obj -> unit
static member WriteLine : string * obj * obj * obj * obj -> unit
Full name: System.Console
Console.WriteLine() : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: string) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: obj) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: uint64) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: int64) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: uint32) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: int) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: float32) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: float) : unit
Console.WriteLine(value: decimal) : unit
(+9 other overloads)
from Microsoft.Practices.ParallelGuideSamples.Utilities
Full name: Microsoft.Practices.ParallelGuideSamples.Utilities.SampleUtilities.TimedAction
Full name: Microsoft.Practices.ParallelGuideSamples.BasicParallelTasks.Examples.Chapter3Sample01Sequential
Execute two operations sequentially
Full name: Microsoft.Practices.ParallelGuideSamples.BasicParallelTasks.Examples.Chapter3Sample01ParallelInvoke
Execute operations in parallel using Parallel.Invoke
type Task<'TResult> =
inherit System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Func<'TResult> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
new : System.Func<'TResult> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
new : System.Func<'TResult> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
new : System.Func<'TResult> * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
new : System.Func<obj,'TResult> * obj -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
new : System.Func<obj,'TResult> * obj * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
new : System.Func<obj,'TResult> * obj * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
new : System.Func<obj,'TResult> * obj * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith<'TNewResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>,'TNewResult> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TNewResult>
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith<'TNewResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>,'TNewResult> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TNewResult>
member ContinueWith<'TNewResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>,'TNewResult> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TNewResult>
member ContinueWith<'TNewResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>,'TNewResult> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TNewResult>
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>> * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith<'TNewResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>,'TNewResult> * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TNewResult>
member Result : 'TResult with get, set
static member Factory : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory<'TResult>
Full name: System.Threading.Tasks.Task<_>
type: Task<'TResult>
implements: Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem
implements: IAsyncResult
implements: IDisposable
inherits: Task
type Task =
new : System.Action -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Action * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Action * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Action * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Action<obj> * obj -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Action<obj> * obj * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Action<obj> * obj * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
new : System.Action<obj> * obj * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member AsyncState : obj
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith<'TResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task,'TResult> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith<'TResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task,'TResult> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
member ContinueWith<'TResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task,'TResult> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
member ContinueWith<'TResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task,'TResult> * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
member ContinueWith : System.Action<System.Threading.Tasks.Task> * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
member ContinueWith<'TResult> : System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task,'TResult> * System.Threading.CancellationToken * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions * System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'TResult>
member CreationOptions : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions
member Dispose : unit -> unit
member Exception : System.AggregateException
member Id : int
member IsCanceled : bool
member IsCompleted : bool
member IsFaulted : bool
member RunSynchronously : unit -> unit
member RunSynchronously : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> unit
member Start : unit -> unit
member Start : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler -> unit
member Status : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus
member Wait : unit -> unit
member Wait : System.TimeSpan -> bool
member Wait : System.Threading.CancellationToken -> unit
member Wait : int -> bool
member Wait : int * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> bool
static member CurrentId : System.Nullable<int>
static member Factory : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory
static member WaitAll : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] -> unit
static member WaitAll : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * System.TimeSpan -> bool
static member WaitAll : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * int -> bool
static member WaitAll : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> unit
static member WaitAll : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * int * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> bool
static member WaitAny : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] -> int
static member WaitAny : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * System.TimeSpan -> int
static member WaitAny : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> int
static member WaitAny : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * int -> int
static member WaitAny : System.Threading.Tasks.Task [] * int * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> int
Full name: System.Threading.Tasks.Task
type: Task
implements: Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem
implements: IAsyncResult
implements: IDisposable
property Task.Factory: TaskFactory
property Task.Factory: TaskFactory<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew<'TResult>(function: Func<'TResult>) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(action: Action) : Task
TaskFactory.StartNew<'TResult>(function: Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew<'TResult>(function: Func<'TResult>, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew<'TResult>(function: Func<'TResult>, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(action: Action<obj>, state: obj) : Task
TaskFactory.StartNew(action: Action, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task
TaskFactory.StartNew(action: Action, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task
TaskFactory.StartNew<'TResult>(function: Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew<'TResult>(function: Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
(+6 other overloads)
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<'TResult>) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<'TResult>, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<'TResult>, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<'TResult>, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions, scheduler: TaskScheduler) : Task<'TResult>
TaskFactory.StartNew(function: Func<obj,'TResult>, state: obj, cancellationToken: Threading.CancellationToken, creationOptions: TaskCreationOptions, scheduler: TaskScheduler) : Task<'TResult>
Published: Monday, 6 September 2010, 10:00 AM
Author: Tomas Petricek
Typos: Send me a pull request!
Tags: functional, parallel, asynchronous, f#