Creating interactive You Draw bar chart with Compost

For a long time, I've been thinking about how to design a data visualization library that would make it easier to compose charts from simple components. On the one hand, there are charting libraries like Google Charts, which offer a long list of pre-defined charts. On the other hand, there are libraries like D3.js, which let you construct any data visualization, but in a very low-level way. There is also Vega, based the idea of grammar of graphics, which is somewhere in between, but requires you to specify charts in a fairly complex language including a huge number of transformations that you need to write in JSON.

In the spirit of functional domain specific languages, I wanted to have a small number of simple but powerful primitives that can be composed by writing code in a normal programming language like F# or JavaScript, rather than using JSON.

My final motivation for working on this was the You Draw It article series by New York Times, which uses interactive charts where the reader first has to make their own guess before seeing the actual data. I wanted to recreate this, but for bar charts, when working on visualizing government spending using The Gamma.

The code for this was somewhat hidden inside The Gamma, but last month, I finally extracted all the functionality into a new stand-alone library Compost.js with simple and clean source code on GitHub and an accompanying paper draft that describes it (PDF).

In this article, I will show how to use Compost.js to implement a "You Draw" bar chart inspired by the NYT article. When loaded, all bars show the average value. You have to drag the bars to positions that you believe represent the actual values. Once you do this, you can click "Show me how I did" and the chart will animate to show the actual data, revealing how good your guess was. Before looking at the code, you can have a look at the resulting interactive chart, showing the top 5 areas from the 2015 UK budget (in % of GDP):

Creating a simple bar chart

One of the main principles behind Compost is that you can gradually compose data visualizations. You can start with a relatively simple version and keep adding features until you have a rich, customized, interactive visualization. To show this, we'll start by building a simple bar chart. For this, we'll need our data and a color theme. Compost is a minimalistic library, so you need to define things like colors yourself. Here, I'm using the category10 colors from Vega:

var data =
 [ ["Social protection", 14.10],
   ["Health", 7.40], ["Education", 4.50],
   ["General public services", 3.10],
   ["Economic affairs", 2.40] ]

var colors =
  [ "#1f77b4", "#ff7f0e", "#2ca02c", "#d62728",
    "#9467bd", "#8c564b", "#e377c2", "#7f7f7f",
    "#bcbd22", "#17becf" ]

When you reference Compost using a stand-alone JavaScript file, it defines a global variable c for accessing its API. If you want more control you can reference Compost using npm.

To create a bar chart, we need to create an array of "bar" shapes and combine those using c.overlay, which automatically aligns shapes. The result of c.overlay is a new shape. To get an axis with labels, we pass the shape to c.axes, which adds axes and, again, returns a new shape:

var chart =
  c.axes("left bottom",
    c.overlay(, i) =>
      c.fillColor(colors[i],[1], v[0]))

c.render("out2", chart)

The first interesting thing to note is that the arguments of are not coordinates in pixels. We just use a JavaScript number as the X value (first argument) and a string as the Y value (second argument). Compost treats numbers as numerical values and strings as categorical values. There is a bit more about categorical values, but we will get back to this later.

The second interesting thing is the c.overlay operation. This takes an array of shapes that have coordinates specified in terms of some categorical and continuous values. The operation is clever enough to align those values and infer a common x and y scale (meaning, a range of values to be mapped onto an axis). In the above example, the x axis becomes just a range from 0 to 14 whereas the y axis is a categorical axis containing all the 5 different categories.

Interactive chart state

To create interactive charts, Compost uses the Model View Update architecture. We will get to how this works shortly. For now, we want to construct a nicer version of the bar chart that is less like the simple bar chart above and more like the one in the full demo. For this, we will need one aspect from the final chart, which is to create a data structure that stores all information about the state of the interactive chart.

The following calculates some basic statistics about the data including the average value and maximum. It then creates an array of objects representing individual bars with their color, category name, the actual value and the current value as drawn by the user (initialized to be the average), together with a flag specifying whether the bar has been moved by the user (once you move a bar, it becomes darker). We also include a randomly generated value, which is used to show the bars in random order:

var nums = => v[1])
var sum = nums.reduce((a,b) => a + b)
var max = Math.max.apply(null, nums)
var avg = sum / data.length;

var values =, i) => ({
    color: colors[i], category: v[0], value: avg,
    moved: false, correct: v[1], rnd: Math.random()
  })).sort((a, b) => a.rnd - b.rnd);

var init =
  { animation:0, guessed:false,
    values:values, max:Math.floor(max * 1.2) }

Once we have the array values, we use it as part of a value init that represents the initial state of the chart. This contains the individual values and a max value that is used as the maximal possible length of a bar that the user can draw. In addition, there is animation which goes from 0 to 1 when the "Show me how I did" button is pressed and guessed which becomes true when the user assigns a value to all bars.

Creating a nicer bar chart

Even without the interactivity, the "You Draw" bar chart that we saw at the start of this article has a number of fatures that we do not have in the ordinary bar chart above. We will recreate those before adding the interactivity. The features are:

To create those, we just need to overlay a few more shape than just a single The following snippet sets state to the initial state (later, the state will become a function parameter). It the defines drawBar which composes all the shapes needed to draw a single bar. Finally, we call drawBar for each of the values in state.values, overlay the results, add a bottom axis and draw the resulting shape:

var state = init

function drawBar(v, value, fillclr) {
  return c.padding(10,0,10,0,c.overlay([
    c.fillColor("#a0a0a030",, v.category)),
    c.fillColor(fillclr,, v.category)),
    c.font("13pt sans-serif", v.color, c.text
      (state.max*0.98, [v.category, 0.5], v.category, "end")),
    c.strokeColor(v.color, c.line([
      [v.value, [v.category, 0]],
      [v.value, [v.category, 1]] ]))

var chart = c.axes("bottom",
  c.overlay( =>
    drawBar(v, v.correct, v.color+"90") )))
c.render("out3", chart)

The drawBar function creates a list of shapes, overlays them using c.overlay and then adds 10px padding from the top and the bottom. It composes 4 shapes:

  1. a grey bar (the background) with state.max as the X value
  2. a bar filled using a provided category color with value as the X value (in this snippet, we use the actual v.correct value; later, this will be the guessed value initially and then the correct value after the animation completes)
  3. A text label. This is created using c.text which takes X and Y coordinates for the label as the first two arguments, the text as the third one and alignment as the fourth argument.
  4. A vertical line at the X coordinate specified by v.value (the initial, average value). The line is defined by two points with one Y value being the top of the space allocated for the categorical value and the other being the bottom.

The example shows one more important feature in Compost. When specifying a coordinate on a numerical axis (X axis), we need just a number as this defines a unique point. However, when specifying a coordinate on a categorical axis (Y axis), a value such as "Health" would correspond to a whole region allocated for the category. To specify a unique point (as needed for example for the two ends of the line or for the location of the label), we specify a pair of values such as ["Health", 0.5]. The first element identifies the category and the second a position within the available range. For this reason, the top and the bottom points of the line are specified by [v.value, [v.category, 0]] and [v.value, [v.category, 1]]. Here, v.value is the (numerical) X coordinate and [v.category, 0] with [v.category, 1] identify the bottom and the top of the bar.

Model View Update architecture in Compost

Let's now look at what it takes to make the chart interactive! As mentioned earlier, Compost does this using the Model View Update architecture. The idea is that you have a type representing Event (different things that can happen in your application) and a type representing State (which stores the current state of the application). Then you define functions update and view that look as follows (using a TypeScript notation for types):

function update(state: State, evt: Event) : State
function view(trigger:(evt:Event) => void, state: State) : Html

The update function takes the current state and an event and produces a new state. The view function takes the current state (the second parameter) and produces an object that represents the HTML of the page (or the shape of a data visualization). The first argument of view is a function that can be used in event handlers to trigger events. For example, when the user drags a bar, we will trigger an event to update the current position of the bar.

Handling You Draw chart events

In our You Draw bar chart, there are two kinds of events. The first occurs when the user drags a bar to a new position. The event is represented as an object with the category to be updated and a new value. The second event occurs during the animation and it simply indicates one "tick" (so it does not carry any other data). Sample event values are:

var one = { kind:"set", category:"Health", value:13 }
var two = { kind:"animate" }

In the update function, we get the current state (an object that has the same structure as the state value defined earlier) and one of the two kinds of events. We then calculate a new state and return it as the result. To return a cloned object with some values changed, we can use the JavaScript ... spread operator:

function update(state, evt) {
  switch(evt.kind) {
    case "animate":
      return {...state, animation:state.animation + 0.02}
    case "set":
      var newValues = => {
        var match = v.category == evt.category;
        var val = match ? evt.value : v.value;
        return { ...v, moved: match || v.moved, value: val } });
      var newGuessed = newValues.every(v => v.moved);
      return {...state, values:newValues, guessed:newGuessed }

When we get the animate event, we simply increment the animation field of the state by some small constant. In the render function, we will make sure that this is triggered repeatedly using a timer until the value reaches 1.

When we get the set event, we first need to update the value of the corresponding item in the state.values array. This is done using map. When we iterate over the value that has the same category as the one which we want to update, we set the value to a new value and we also update the moved flag to indicate that the bar has been updated by the user. We then set the values field to the new array and also update guessed which is only true if all bars have been moved (meaning that the user made all guesses and can click the "Show me how I did" button).

Implementing You Draw chart view function

The most interesting part of our You Draw bar chart is the view function. We already have the core logic implemented in the drawBar helper, but there are still a few things left. First, we need to add code to handle mouse events and trigger the update function. Second, we need to add the "Show me how I did" button.

To keep the code more readable, I split it into two parts. In viewChart, we render just the chart itself (without the button). This includes the drawBar helper as a nested function. The most interesting parts are the handler helper and the use of c.on for registering it as an event handler for mousemove and mousedown:

function viewChart(trigger, state) {
  // Draw a bar with background and text label
  function drawBar(v, value, fillclr) {
    // (Implementation same as above)
  // Trigger 'set' event when mouse moves
  function handler(x, y, e) {
    if (state.animation == 0 && e.buttons > 0)
    trigger({kind:"set", value:x, category:y[0] })
  // Create a chart with event handlers
  return c.axes("bottom",
    c.on({ mousemove: handler, mousedown: handler },
      c.overlay( => {
        var val = v.correct * state.animation
          + v.value * (1 - state.animation)
        var clr = v.color + (v.moved?"90":"30");
        return drawBar(v, val, clr)

The c.on primitive lets us register handlers for events that happen inside the chart. When a mouse button is pressed or the mouse moves, Compost invokes our handler. One important feature is that the x and y coordinates passed to handler are not in pixels, but instead in domain terms. If you click in the middle of the bar for "Health" somewhere near 10% GDP value, the x and y values will be e.g. 10.1 and ["Health", 0.49]. This makes it very easy for us to extract the data we want and use trigger to invoke the "set" event.

The other interesting thing in the above snippet is the calculation of the val value on line 15. This implements the animation where the value changes from v.value (when state.animation == 0) to v.correct (when state.animation == 1).

Now we just need to call viewChart from the main view function and add a button:

function view(trigger, state) {
  // While animating, keep triggering 'animate' events
  if (state.animation > 0 && state.animation < 1)
    window.setTimeout(() => trigger({kind:"animate"}), 10)

  // Create a chart with event handlers
  var chart = viewChart(trigger, state);

  // Create surrounding HTML elements with a button
  var dis = state.guessed ? {} : {disabled:""}
  return c.html("div", { class:"youguess" }, [
    c.svg(600, 300, chart),
    c.html("div", {style:"text-align:center"}, [
      c.html("button", {...dis,
        click:() => trigger({kind:"animate"}) },
          [ "Show me how I did" ]) ]) ]);

c.interactive("out4", init, update, view)

The code first checks if the animation is running. If so, it creates a timer to trigger the "animate" event after 10ms. Then it calls the main viewChart function to get a representation of the whole chart.

Now we need to add the button. To do this, we need to turn the chart into a HTML <svg> element and then add some custom HTML elements including <button> around it. This means stepping "outside" of the world of basic charts into the world of HTML. Compost allows us to do this (exactly for cases like this) using c.svg (which renders a shape as SVG). Once we have that, we can use c.html to create custom HTML elements. The c.html operation is similar to the h function from HyperScript. Here, we create a button with click event handler that, when invoked, triggers the first "animate" event to start the animation.


In this blog post, I explained how to use the new Compost.js data visualization library to create an interactive "You Draw" bar chart inspired by the awesome interactive line charts from New York Times.

This example is, in fact, what prompted me to think about how to design Compost. Adam Pearce who created the New York Times chart shared a D3 implementation of the visualization and, when I was trying to understand how it works, I could not stop thinking that there should be an easier way for creating visualizations like this.

The Compost library makes this easy through three main things:

  1. You can specify all coordinates in "domain values", which can be numerical (% of GDP) or categorical (like our "Health" category). When you compose a chart from individual components (such as bars), the range of values for axes is inferred and the components are automatically aligned.

  2. There is no special language for composing components. It's just plain JavaScript with functions that take shapes (or arrays of shapes) and produce new shapes. While this means that you sometimes need to write a bit more code (lots of map calls), it also means that all this code is perfectly clear. If you want, you can make it more readable by extracting functionality into a helper function like our drawBar.

  3. The interactivity is implemented using the Model View Update architecture. This may be a personal preference (I like its functional programming style!) but I think this is a perfect fit for problems like interactive charts. In our case, the state of the chart is quite simple and there are only two events, which means that the whole logic can easily fit in a single brain.

If you found this interesting, you can learn more about Compost on the Compost.js project page, which includes plenty of demos, API reference and also an overview paper draft about its design. The core logic of Compost is implemented in some 800 lines of F# and is actually not that complex. Finally, the best way to run the interactive You Draw chart that I described in this blog post is to clone and run the compost-node-demos repository, which includes a full source code (just 70 lines) of the demo.

Published: Thursday, 16 July 2020, 11:20 PM
Author: Tomas Petricek
Typos: Send me a pull request!
Tags: functional, functional programming, data science, thegamma, data journalism, visualization