Themes in Information-Rich Functional Programming for Internet-Scale Data Sources
Don Syme, Keith Battocchi, Kenji Takeda, Donna Malayeri and Tomas Petricek
In Proceedings of Data Driven Functional Programming Workshop 2013
The F# language includes a feature called F# 3.0 Type Providers to support the integration of internet-scale information sources into a strongly typed functional-first programming environment. In this position paper we describe the key themes in information-rich functional programming that we have observed during this work. Our contribution is to document these themes and highlight future challenges and opportunities, in the context of a recently released, practical, open-source system for information-rich functional programming. We believe that this area is rich in excellent opportunities for future language and tooling research, information-space integration and schematization techniques.
Paper and more information
- Download the DDFP position paper (PDF)
- Download longer MSR tech report (PDF)
- See slides from invited talk at ML Symposium 2012
- Explore type providers in the F# Data library
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Published: Friday, 1 February 2013, 12:00 AM
Author: Tomas Petricek
Typos: Send me a pull request!