F# courses and talks (Winter 2012 and beyond...)

A couple of months ago, I posted a list of my F# talks and courses for Autumn 2011. Although I tried hard to have fewer speaking engagements during the winter and spring, there are quite a few events that I'd like to invite you to.
Last year, I spent quite a lot of time talking about asynchronous programming and agents. I think this is still a very important topic and especially agent-based programming in F# is a powerful way to implement concurrency primitives (like blocking queue), as well as complex systems (like trading screens and market analysis). I also wrote a series of articles on this topic that are available on MSDN and should be a good starting point.
Over the next few months, I'll be doing some talks about type providers, which is an upcoming F# 3.0 technology for accessing data. However, I also hope to find some time to look at other directions for F#, especially how it can be used in an online web-based environment, either using Azure or by translating F# to JavaScript using a recently announced open-source project named Pit.
Continue reading to see the list of planned talks, tutorials and courses....
Published: Friday, 13 January 2012, 3:07 AM
presentations, functional
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Regions and navigation bar for F# in Visual Studio
The beginning of a new year may be a good time for writing one lightweight blog post that I wanted to publish for some time now. During my last internship with the F# team at MSR, I did some work on improving the F# IntelliSense in Visual Studio. This mostly involved the usual features - automatic completion, colouring and tooltips. The F# IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2010 still isn't perfect, but I think it is safe to claim that it is the best IDE experience for a typed functional programming language (aside, you can vote for some F# IDE features here and here).

Published: Sunday, 1 January 2012, 11:02 PM
functional, mono
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