Reactive Programming (III.) - Useful Reactive LINQ Operators
In the previous article, I introduced Reactive LINQ.
I explained the different point of view that we can use when working with .NET events. The idea is that
.NET events can be viewed as streams of values. The value is information about the event (such as position
of a mouse click or a mouse movement). These streams can be processed using LINQ queries - we can for example
filter all values that are not interesting for us using where
LINQ clause. For example if we want to handle
clicks only in some specified area.
In the previous article, I talked about basic LINQ query operators such as select
and where
and some useful methods that Reactive LINQ provides (for example for merging event streams).
Today, we'll take a look at two more advanced kinds of operations that we can use for working with event streams.
In particular, we'll talk about aggregation operators (that you certainly know from LINQ) and about switching.
Switching is a concept from functional reactive programming and it allows us to change dynamically how the
application behaves. However, I'll explain this in a more detail soon.
In this article, I'm going to use mostly C# (and some Visual Basic). The functionality that I'm describing
in this part isn't part of the standard F# Event
module that I discussed in
the first part. I implemented most of them in F# too, but I'm not going
to write the samples in both of the versions in this part. If you've seen the first two articles, you'll be
definitely able to use the F# versions as well, because they follow exactly the same ideas as the C#/LINQ versions.
I'm going to talk about a larger demo application in the last section and I'll show an F# version as well,
so you'll see some F# examples in the next part. This part serves more as a reference of the available
operators, so you may read only some parts of it, then jump to the last one (to see an exciting example!)
and then come back here.
Aggregating event streams
When working with data using LINQ, we can use various aggregation operators. These operators compute a single
value from a collection of object. You can for example use Sum
to add prices of all products,
to find the largest price or Aggregate
, which is performs a custom aggregation
specified by a lambda function.
As we'll see, these operations are quite useful for Reactive LINQ as well. However, they'll have to behave a bit differently than for collections. When you have, for example, a collection of products, you can easily calculate the total price. The collection has finite number of elements, so we can iterate over all of them. On the other hand, event streams aren't really finite or at least, you can't say when you reached the end. If you're processing for example mouse clicks, you can't tell whether the user will continue clicking or not. The stream is finite in some sense - when the application is closed, the stream ends, but doing something (other than cleanup) when the application is closed doesn't look very useful!
Instead of returning a value at the end of the stream, our aggregation operators will yield the present
value every time an event occurs and then continue with the aggregation. This means that aggregation operators
will also return IEvent<T>
and the event will be triggered every time the aggregated
value is updated. We can use this for example for counting number of clicks on a button.
Counting clicks
I believe that an example will make everything clear. In the following snippet, we'll attach an event to a
button and we'll use Sum
to count the number of clicks on the button:
.Select(ea => 1).Sum().Listen(n =>
lblOut.Text = String.Format("Current count is: {0}", n));
The usual call to AttachEvent
is followed by a call to Select
. The result of this
call will be an event stream that will contain a number 1 every time the button is clicked.
To get the total number of clicks on the button, we'll need to sum all the ones coming from the stream.
The easiest way to do this is to use the Sum
operator. The result of this operation is an
event that is triggered every time the user clicks on the button. Values that will appear in this event
stream will be the sum calculated from the values so far, which means that it will contain numbers 1, 2, 3, ...
and that's the number of clicks that we want to display!
The fact that the result of aggregation in Reactive LINQ isn't just a number, but an event
stream means that we can do multiple aggregations in a sequence. In the previous example, we've seen how
to generate a sequence containing ascending sequence of integers. If we'll multiply all of them, we'll
get the well known factorial function (the sequence of factorials will be 1, 1*2, 1*2*3, 1*2*3*4, ...).
Calculating total value was easy, because we had Sum
operator, but multiplication isn't
built-in, so we'll have to use the generic Aggregate
// Generates sequence of integers: 1, 2, 3, ...
.Select(ea => 1).Sum()
// Generate sequence of factorials: 1, 1*2, 1*2*3, ...
.Aggregate(1, (fact, current) => fact * current)
.Listen(n =>
lblOut.Text = String.Format("Factorial is: {0}", n));
The part ended with the call to Sum
is same as in the previous example and it gives
us a sequence of integers. When aggregating using the Aggregate
operator, we'll need
some initial value and we'll write a function that takes the current value from the stream and the
previous result (starting with the initial) and produces a new result. In our example, the initial value
is 1 (we don't want to multiply everything by zero!) and the function takes the current factorial
) and multiplies it by the next value from the stream (current
Finally, we add a handler to show the results using Listen
Using Visual Basic Query syntax

The only way to write aggregation in C# is to use extension methods explicitly. Interestingly,
in Visual Basic, there is query syntax for that as well using the Aggregate
We'll take a look how to rewrite the first example (showing the number of clicks) in Visual Basic
using just a single query. First, we'll need a simple utility function for displaying the result,
because Visual Basic has only limited support for lambda functions:
' Utility function that allows us to set label text in the query easily
Function SetText(ByVal lbl As Label, ByVal str As String) As Integer
lbl.Text = str
Return 0
End Function
Now we can take a look at the query. This time we'll add reaction to the MouseDown
event and we'll only count clicks that were made by the left button. In C#, we'd have to write
this using a nested query, but in VB it can be written like this:
' Count the number of clicks made by the left button
Dim eCount = _
Aggregate ea In btnClick.AttachEvent(Of MouseEventArgs)("MouseDown") _
Where ea.Button = MouseButtons.Left _
Into Sum(1)
' Display the number using utility function 'SetText'
eCount.Listen(Function(n) SetText(lblOutput, _
String.Format("Count: {0}", n)))
Visual Basic query that does aggregation starts with the Aggregate
keyword and then
specifies what values will be aggregated. In our case, it is the value coming from the MouseDown
event. This can be followed by various other LINQ clauses. We use just a single Where
filter only left button clicks. Finally, there is an Into
clause that specifies what will
be the aggregation function and what will be used as an input. The number 1 is the input - we ignore the
value that comes from the event stream and just add one every time. You could for example sum X-coordinates
of the clicks, in which case you'd write Sum(ea.X)
The call to the Listen
method is similar as in C#. Lambda function in Visual Basic
is written using Function(..) ...
syntax. One of the limitations is that it can't contain
assignment in the body, so that's why we implemented the SetText
function first. Thanks to this,
we can write a lambda function that contains method call, which is valid.
All the examples that we've seen so far were quite interesting, but a little limited. The most important limitation is that once they started executing, the behavior didn't change. All of the examples were always doing the same thing.
Changing behavior dynamically
In this section we're going to look at another set of operators that I'll call switching operators. These operators can be used for writing programs that change their behavior during the execution and start reacting differently. For example, we'll extend our 'click counting' sample and add a checkbox that will specify whether we want to add 1 or subtract 1. Another example is that we could write a program that would start behaving differently after an event occurs ten times. These examples should give you an idea what I mean by dynamically. When you write the program, you don't know when the change in the behavior will happen, because it is controlled by the program execution. The operators that we'll look at now are all very powerful, because most of the programs change parts of their behavior during the execution.
Choosing between behaviors
The first example that we'll implement is the 'click counting' sample with 'decrement' checkbox.
We'll add a checkbox to the form and we'll want to subtract 1 from the total every time the user clicks
on a button while the checkbox is checked and add 1 in case the checkbox is not checked.
Let's start by a thing that you already know. We'll use aggregation to create a stream that will
yield a value when user changes the checkbox state. The values in the stream will be 1 (when checkbox
is checked) or -1. We also don't want to wait until the user changes the state, so we'll add one
additional initial event that will be triggered shortly after the program starts using Reactive.After
// Triggered after 1 second and then on every check-box click
var eZigZag =
Reactive.After(1000, EventArgs.Empty))
// Create an event stream containing: 1, -1, 1, -1, ...
.Aggregate(-1, (current, _) => current * -1);
The input for the Aggregate
operator will be EventArgs
values from the events.
This isn't needed and in cases like that, I'll often just use underscore as a variable name (in F#, this means
ignore the value; in C#, it is a valid variable name, but it suggests that we don't care about it).
The initial value is -1 and every time an event occurs, we just multiply it by -1 to get a zig-zag stream
containing 1, -1, 1, -1 etc.

Now comes the interesting part. We know how to count the number of clicks on a button and we have another
event stream (eZigZag
) that gives us a value every time we want to switch between addition
and subtraction when processing button clicks. We can write this using SwitchRepeatedly
which calls our function every time the value in the zig-zag stream changes. The function that we
provide is the most important thing. Instead of returning some value, it will generate an event stream.
The overall event stream will then switch between the event streams generated by our function.
Let's take a look at the example and I'll explain everything in a more detail shortly:
// Dynamically switch between 1, 1, 1... and -1, -1, -1...
eZigZag.SwitchRepeatedly(n =>
from ea in btnClick.AttachEvent("Click") select n)
// Sum all nubers coming from the 'switch'
.Sum().Listen(n =>
lblOut.Text = String.Format("Current count is: {0}", n));
The input for the SwitchRepeatedly
operator is the event that will be triggered
when the application starts (with 1 as the argument) and then every time the 'decrement' checkbox
is clicked. This means that the lambda function will be executed for the first time when
the application starts. The code inside the lambda function creates another event stream.
In our example, it attaches event handler for the Click
event of the button and
yields n
every time the event occurs. This variable is an argument for the
lambda function and it will have value 1 at the beginning. Later (when eZigZag
triggered), it will alternate between -1 and 1.
The overall type of the lambda function is Func<int,IEvent<int>>
This means that it gets int
as an argument and returns an event of integers.
The result of SwitchRepeatedly
is an event that does the same thing as the
event returned by the lambda function (in our example, yields 1 every time button is clicked).
However, when the eZigZag
is triggered, it calls the function to get a new event
stream and then starts to behave just like this new event stream. In our example, the event
returned by the second call will be yielding -1 values. The Repeatedly
in the
name of the operator suggests that the behavior is changed dynamically every time an event
in the source stream occurs is triggered.
Also note that the type of eZigZag
and the type of the event returned
by the lambda function can be different. If the lambda function returned for example
event yielding strings, the result will be also an event yielding strings. Values from
the source event are used only to generate the current event. The next switching
operator will be a bit simpler, but (as we'll see shortly) very useful as well!
Changing behavior on the first event
In this section we'll take a look at SwitchFirst
operator. It allows us
to write a event streams that yield a value when the event occurs for the first time
and then start behaving differently. For example, if you wanted to display a game
score, you'd start with 0 when the user clicks on 'Start' and then switch to the
actual algorithm that computes the score.
Our example will be simpler. When the user clicks on a button, we'll display a message that the button was clicked for the first time. Any subsequent click will display a message showing the number of clicks:
btnClick.AttachEvent("Click").Select(_ => "Clicked for the first time!")
.SwitchFirst(s =>
// Return the new behavior: Sum clicks & return message
btnClick.AttachEvent("Click").Select(_ => 1).Sum()
.Select(n => string.Format("Clicked {0} times!", n)))
.Listen(s => lblOut.Text = s);
The event that we use as a source for SwitchFirst
yields a message when
a button is clicked. The SwitchFirst
operator waits for this event and
sends this event further to its listeners. This means that the Listen
handler will receive the message as well. After triggering the event, SwitchFirst
call the function used as an argument to get a new event stream and changes its behavior
to do the same thing as this event stream. In our example, the function returns an
event stream that counts the number of clicks. After the first click (and after showing
the first message), the program will start counting the clicks and it will display
the new count every time the button is clicked.
This operator can be used for changing the behavior once, but it is actually far more interesting. It can be used for changing the behavior in almost any way if we use it together with recursion. We'll look at an example in the next section.
Changing behavior on every event
Recursion is a very useful technique and it is used very often in functional programming.
In imperative languages, it is used less frequently, so if you're not used to it, you
may find this section a bit tricky. As we've seen, we can use SwitchFirst
change the behavior after the first event occurs. This is done by specifying a function
that will be called to get a new event stream.
However, the newly returned event stream can also contain SwitchFirst
, so
it can change the behavior again. Even more interestingly, we can generate the original
stream and the new one using the same function, so every event stream returned by the function
will always wait for the first event and then switch to another behavior generated using
the same function (possibly with some other arguments).
This sounds a bit abstract, so let me show you a practical example. We'll a similar construct in the next article when developing the game. We want to implement the following behavior: When you click on the button a message "Click" will appear. After 5 seconds, it will be replaced with "Timeout!" unless you clicked on the button again during that time. The way we'll do this is that we'll wait for an event - either click or a timeout. After an event occurs we'll show the right message and then change the behavior to start from the beginning again. This change here is very important, because it resets the timer, so the "Timeout!" message will not appear sooner than after next 5 seconds:
// 'eClickOrTimeout' is a function that returns an evnet
Func<IEvent<string>> eClickOrTimeout = null;
eClickOrTimeout = () =>
// Triggered when user clicks on the button or after 5 seconds
(btnClick.AttachEvent("Click").Select(_ => "Click..."),
Reactive.After(5000, "Timeout!"))
.SwitchFirst(e => eClickOrTimeout());
// Create an event stream and add listener
.Listen(s => lblOut.Text = s);
We first declare a value called eClickOrTimeout
. This is not an event as in
previous examples, but a function that creates an event when we call it. This is because
we need to generate a new event every time when the SwitchFirst
calls our function to make sure that the event generated using Reactive.After
will be triggered after 5 seconds (if it wasn't a function, the event would be triggered
only once). Because we need to use the eClickOrTimeout
inside its own declaration
we first initialize the value to null
and then assign it the actual value.
When constructing the event, we attach a handler for the button click and merge it
with an event generated using Reactive.After
. This means that the first
event will be either a mouse click or a timeout event after 5 seconds. This is followed
by a SwitchFirst
call. When the first event occurs, SwitchFirst
will throw the original event stream away (which means that no further clicks or timeouts
will be handled) and changes its behavior to do the same thing as the new stream.
The new stream is generated using the given function. In our example, it recursively
uses eClickOrTimeout
, so it will again wait either for a click or for a timeout.
To add an event handler to this recursive stream, we run the lambda function to start
the event processing and add an event handler using Listen
As I mentioned earlier, writing recursion explicitly is often quite tricky, so
Reactive LINQ provides one more switching operator that can be used for
implementing this example in an easier way.
Using recursive switch operator
The operator is named SwitchRecursive
and it is the last one from the
family of switching operators that Reactive LINQ currently implements.
It allows us to write the previous example without using recursion explicitly (internally,
it will do almost the same thing). The only difference is that we have to explicitly specify
the first event that will trigger the whole processing. In the previous example, the
first event was the same as all the subsequent events. In the new version, the program
will first wait 1 second and then start the processing similarly as in the last example:
Reactive.After(1000, "")
.SwitchRecursive(s =>
(btnClick.AttachEvent("Click").Select(_ => "Click..."),
Reactive.After(5000, "Timeout!"))
.Listen(s => lblOut.Text = s);
The SwitchRecursive
operator waits for the first event from the input stream and
then calls the function to generate the new event. So far, it does the same thing as
. However, the difference is that when a first event occurs in the
returned event stream (in our example either a click or a timeout) it calls the function
again to obtain a new stream again. When calling the function, it uses the value returned
by the last event as an argument, so we can represent any state we need during the
event processing.
So far, we've looked at three slightly different switching operators that should be
sufficient for most of the event processing that you may need. In the last section, we're
going to look how they can be written using LINQ queries. This is not completely straightforward
as for example when using where
, but it still simplifies the code in many
Switches and LINQ queries
From all the query operators that LINQ provides the one that corresponds closely to our
switching operators is SelectMany
(side note for Haskell programmers:
this is bind
, but not all switching operators above have exactly the right type).
When writing a query using the simplified syntax, SelectMany
is used when you
have multiple from
clauses in the query.
The following query implements the first example that we implemented earlier using
. It counts number of clicks on a specified button and allows
changing between incrementing and decrementing using a checkbox. We first declare an
event that is triggered when the application starts and then when the user clicks on the
'decrement' checkbox. This is just to make the code more readable - it would be perfectly
possible to write the whole thing as a single query. Then we write a query with multiple
clauses that internally uses the SwitchRepeatedly
Let's take a look at the example and I'll explain how exactly the operator is used later:
// When application starts and then when 'decrement' checkbox is clicked
var eDecrementClick = Reactive.Merge
(Reactive.After(1000, EventArgs.Empty),
// Create stream with 1, -1, 1.. and combine it using 'SwitchRepeatedly'
(from n in eDecrementClick.Aggregate(1, (current, _) => current * -1)
from m in btnClick.AttachEvent("Click").UseSwitchRepeatedly()
select -1 * n).Sum().Listen(n =>
lblOut.Text = String.Format("Current count is: {0}", n));
The first from
clause specifies the input stream for the SwitchRepeatedly
operator. The second one specifies how to obtain an event stream once we have a value for the
variable (or when we get a new value as a result of the first event being triggered).
An interesting thing to note is that we use an extension method UseSwitchRepeatedly
at the end of the second from
clause. This alone doesn't do anything, but it
specifies what kind of switch do we want to use (similarly, you could write UseSwitchFirst
or UseSwitchRecursive
). If you forget to specify this, you'll get a compilation error,
because the C# compiler will not know which of the possible SelectMany
should it use. There is one implementation for every switch and this UseXyz
method specifies
this by returning a special type of event. In our example, it will return IEventSwitchRepeatedly<T>
instead of IEvent<T>
, but this is very much just a technical detail
that you don't have to worry about.
I believe that in some cases, the query syntax is more readable. In particular, it is interesting
when you need to use other operations that are available in a query such as select
or for example Aggregate
in Visual Basic (actually, you could even use
nested switching operators). Anyway, the following example should give you an idea how
the query is translated to the ordinary method calls:
(from n in eDecrementClick.Aggregate(1, (current, _) => current * -1) from m in btnClick.AttachEvent("Click").UseSwitchRepeatedly() select -1 * n) .Sum().Listen(n => lblOut.Text = String.Format("Current count is: {0}", n));
This code will be translated to something like this:
(...).SwitchRepeatedly(n => ...).Select(... => ...).(...)
Actually, the query is compiled to a code that calls one of the SelectMany
operators, but
this is what we get if we look at the implementation of this operator. As I already mentioned, the use
of SwitchRepeatedly
switching operator is controlled by the UseXyz
The example uses select
clause, which is automatically translated to a call to Select
method that is added after the call to SwitchRepeatedly
. If you included where
clause, it would be added after the call to switch as well and these are the cases where query syntax
is a lot more concise.
In this article, we've looked at a couple of operators that you can use in Reactive LINQ.
In particular, we discussed various ways of doing aggregation (such as Sum
) and I also
explained how this is different to the usual notion of aggregation in LINQ that works with finite data
sets. Next, we discussed three slightly different switching operators. These are very important
when implementing a more sophisticated code and in the next article we're going to look at a larger
example that will use them (together with everything else that I just introduced).
I already mentioned in the previous article, that the current implementation is just a prototype that demonstrates the idea and shows what can be done with LINQ. My goal is to work on this project and turn it into a more stable and easier to use library. Currently, you can run into a problem when using switching operators in some ways, because the resources used by events may not be released correctly. Also, I'm not yet sure which of the switching operators are really the most useful, so if you'll play with the code, definitely send me your feedback!
Series links
- Reactive programming (I.) - First class events in F#
- Reactive programming (II.) - Introducing Reactive LINQ
- Reactive Programming (III.) - Useful Reactive LINQ Operators
- Reactive Programming (IV.) - Developing reactive game in Reactive LINQ
Published: Friday, 21 November 2008, 7:59 PM
Author: Tomas Petricek
Typos: Send me a pull request!
Tags: functional, c#