Announcing F# snippets web site

When writing F# programs, I often write some nice code snippet or some useful helper function that I'd like to share with the F# community. Unfortunately, my blog posts are usually longer and more elaborate, so I never get to blogging about it. Now that I have a twitter (follow me if you don't already) I thought I could just post the snippet somewhere, but there was no good web site for posting F# snippets - until now!
- If you can't wait any further, then go directly to the new F# snippets web site at
The web site uses my earlier project F# Web Snippets to format F# source code. It highlights colors and adds JavaScript tooltips using services provided by the F# compiler, which means that you'll get almost the same experience as when reading code in Visual Studio. I also wanted to make the page a repository of browsable snippets, so you can use it in two ways...
Published: Sunday, 12 December 2010, 2:19 AM
f#, universe, links
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