Composing Chrismas with F#

This blog post is a part of the awesome F# Advent Calendar (see the previous entry about writing algorithms in F# from Rick Minerich), so it inevitably needs a Christmassy theme. However, there is also going to be a serious theme for the blog post, which is domain-specific languages.
One of my favorite examples of Domain-Specific Languages is a simple OpenGL library that I wrote some time ago for composing 3D graphics in F#. You can see it in my NDC 2014 talk Domain Specific Languages, the functional way and I also used it for Solving Puzzles with F# earlier on this blog.
The nice thing about the library is that it is very simple, but is rich enough to demonstrate all the important concepts. In fact, the library is so easy to use that even 8 years old can do a talk about it. So, if you're spending Christmas with your family, perhaps you can go through this article with your children!
Published: Monday, 8 December 2014, 6:22 PM
f#, fun, functional programming
Read the complete article