Choose Your Own Adventure Calculus
The rule of three suggests that if you encounter the same pattern for the third time in your code, you should refactor it into a reusable abstraction. The same thing applies in programming language theory. When you find that you are doing the same thing for the third time, it is probably a good idea to stop and think - is there a general pattern?

Figure 1. Auto-completion list showing possible operations in The Gamma
In my PhD thesis on context-aware computations, I did exactly this. When we realised that liveness analysis, resource tracking and checking of data-flow computations all require type system with similar structure, we came up with the idea of coeffects, which is an abstraction that can capture all three (and so, you only need to add one mechanism for tracking context into your language).
Recently, the same thing happened to me again. A lot of my work has been around interaction with programming systems. I am interested in looking not just at the programming languages, but also the stateful, interactive systems they are part of - and how programs are created through interactive editor tools, gradually revised in notebook systems or how proofs are created in interactive proof assistants. And interestingly, in three recent collaborations around those ideas, we ended up finding a very similar pattern.
In multiple different systems, we encountered a pattern where the programming system iteratively offers the user (programmer, data scientist, proof theoretician) a choice of options that the user can choose from to construct or refine their program (see Figure 1). In all systems, the user can also edit the code in other ways, but a lot (sometimes everything!) can be done just by choosing options.
I now have three examples, so it is time to describe the general pattern. Earlier, we called this (jokingly) dot-driven development, (seriously) AI assistants and (foolishly) iterative prompting. For the lack of a better name, I will refer to the abstraction as the choose-your-own-adventure calculus.
Published: Sunday, 2 February 2025, 2:52 PM
research, academic, programming languages, thegamma, type providers
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